Salaši su, definitivno, prva asocijacija na Vojvodinu. Međutim, da li ste znali da ne morate da mrdnete iz Beograda, a možete da uživate u svim čarima koje nudi jedan tradicionalni vojvođanski salaš? Iskreno nisam ni ja znala, da se ne lažemo. Zato kada sam bila pozvana na ručak u restoran koji će mi se - po rečima mog prijatelja - sigurno svideti i da ću biti preoduševljena, bila sam izuzetno skeptična. Ali ko reskira, taj profitira. I ja sam se zaputila sa njim, bez imalo predznanja o restoranu u koji idem (a to mi se možda desilo samo par puta), u Zemun, u restoran Salaš 034.
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Salaš 034 |
U srcu Zemuna, na Gardošu, ušuškan u Sinđelićevoj ulici, nalazi se restoran Salaš 034. Ceo restoran smešten je u kući iz 1939. godine, što mu daje dodatnu čar i mističnost. Ceo enterijer je u vojvođanskom stilu, da ne kažem salaškom. Od menija, preko detalja po zidovima i policama, do drvenih stolova i stolica, apsolutno sve je u skladu sa imenom restorana. U restoranu se nalazi više prostorija, te možete ukoliko dolazite u većem društu da se potpuno izolujete od ostatka gostiju. Mi smo se smestili u centralnu prostoriju u kojoj me je posebno oduševio kamin u kom je pucketalo drvo pod plamenom. Prava ona idilična praznična atmosfera. No, da ne pomislite da je ovaj restoran samo pogodan za zimske dane, moram da napomenem da se iz centralne prostorije izlazi pravo na veliku terasu, sa koje imate pogled na Dunav, koji doseže čak do starog grada. Tako da verujem da je u proleće ručak ovde podjednako čaroban kao i u ovo doba godine.
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Salaš 034 - enterijer |
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Salaš 034 - terasa |
Kao što je i restoran malen i ušuškan, takav je i jelovnik. Ali to što ne obiluje velikim izborom jela, ne znači da oskudeva u bilo čemu. Ovde nećete naići na klasična srpska jela, kao što su ćevapi, pljeskavice i ostalo, već na mali broj, ali odabranih tradicionalnih vojvođanskih specijaliteta, čiji se duh najviše uočava kada su topla predjela u pitanju, te smo se mi odlučili da probamo Restovane knedle - vojvođanske knedle sa dinstanim lukom, alevom paprikom i mileramom (380 RSD). Ovo je predjelo koje me je oduševilo! Sočno, odlično začinjeno, sveže pripremljeno (ne podgrejano!!), ma jednom rečju - preukusno! Imate sve preporuke od mene da probate ovo jelo ukoliko se odlučite da posetite ovaj restoran.
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Restovane knedle (levo) i Pečene paprike (desno) |
Ono što mi je zapalo za oko kada su glavna jela u pitanju je dobar izbor kuvanih jela, pa ovde možete da naručite kotlić dana, ali možete da uživate i u velikom izboru divljači koji nudi ovaj restoran, kao i u raznim sosevima koje možete da kombinujete sa vrstom mesa za koju se odlučite. Vojvođanski duh ne oseća se samo zbog izbora jela u jelovniku, već i zbog izbora reči upotrebljenih u meniju, pa tako u ovom jelovniku nećete naići na izraz prasetina, već na izraz gica, što je posebno simpatično. Nakon moram priznati podužeg razmišljanja odlučili smo se za Salašku gicu sa suvim šljivama - svinjski file punjen sirom i rolovan u slanini sa sosom od suvih šljiva i crnog vina (870 RSD) i Domaće dimljene kobasice (680 RSD). Gica je bila servirana uz grilovano povrće, meso je bilo sočno, jedino što se sir nije nalazio urolan u meso, već se nalazio na površini filea, ali to nije nimalo umanjilo bogatstvo ukusa. Kobasice su bile ukusne, začinjene i blago ljutkastog ukusa, servirane sa restovanim krompirom, i zaista su bile domaće radinosti (pošto u većini restorana home made znači Idea, Maxi itd.). Što se tiče porcija, zaista su obilne, tako da ne morate da brinete da li ćete se najesti u ovom restoranu.
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Salaška gica sa suvim šljivama |
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Domaće dimljene kobasice |
Kada je izbor pića u pitanju ukoliko ste ljubitelj vina kao i mi, ovde ćete uživati. Pored naravno velikog izbora vina na flašu, tu je i ponuda vina na čašu iz fruškogorske vinarije Gajić koje je odlično, a cena sasvim korektna (260 RSD). Naravno tu je i standardna karta pića, koju nije potrebno dodatno opisivati.
Konobari su kao i sve u restoranu bili sjajni, prijatni i nenametljivi. Tu su bili za svako pitanje u vezi jelovnika koje smo imali, a pomogli su nam i svojim sugestijama da se lakše opredelimo. Posebno je bilo sjajno, kada smo izlazili iz restorana, na samim vratima čekao nas je konobar sa velikom tacnom domaćih vanilica uz reči - da se zasladimo pred put. Originalno, zaista!!
Ovaj restoran je za one koji vole vojvođanski stil, za one koji vole da provedu miran ručak sa svojim najdražima, i za one koje pokreće ljubav. U ovom restoranu jednostavno ne može da uživa svako, već samo oni koji u duši nose isto ono što i ovaj restoran nosi u sebi - ljubav, mir i tradiciju.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
The farms/granges are definitely the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Vojvodina. However, did you know that you don’t have to leave Belgrade in order to enjoy all the charms that a traditional Vojvodina grange offers? Honestly, I didn’t have a clue. I was extremely skeptical when I a friend of mine invited me to lunch in a restaurant that, according to him, I would certainly like and that I will be amazed by it. But who dares, wins. So I went with him, without any knowledge of the restaurant I'm going to (and this may have happened only a few times), in Zemun, to the restaurant Salaš 034.
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Salaš 034 |
In the heart of Zemun, in Gardoš, tucked away in Sinđelićeva street, there is a restaurant Salaš 034. The entire restaurant is located in the house from 1939, which makes it even more charming and mystical. The entire interior is in Vojvodina style, typical for a grange. Everything from the menu, through the details on the walls and shelves, to the wooden tables and chairs, every single thing compliance with the restaurant's name. There are more rooms in the restaurant, so if you come in a bigger company, you can completely isolate yourself from the rest of the guests. We were placed in a central room where I was especially impressed by the fireplace in which the wood was flaring under the flames. An idyllic holiday atmosphere. However, not to make you think that this restaurant is just suitable for winter days, I have to point out that from the central room there’s an exit to a large terrace, from which you have a view of the Danube, which reaches even to the Old town. So I believe that a lunch here during spring is just as magical as this time of the year.
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Salaš 034 - interior |
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Salaš 034 - terrace |
The menu is just as the restaurant, small and tucked away. But the fact that the choise of dishes is not large, doesn’t mean that it lacks in anything. Here you won’t come across some classic Serbian dishes, such as kebabs, burgers and others, but to a small number of selected traditional Vojvodina specialties, whose spirit is most noticed when the hot appetizers are concerned, so we decided to try the Roasted dumplings - Vojvodina dumplings with sauteed onion, aleppo pepper and sour cream (380 RSD). This is an appetizer that amazed me! Juicy, perfectly seasoned, freshly prepared (not heated !!), in a word - delicious! You have all the recommendations from me to try this dish if you decide to visit this restaurant.
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Roasted dumplings (on the left) i roasted peppers (on the right) |
As for the min dishes, the thing that caught my eye is a good selection of cooked dishes, so here you can order a daily pot dish, but you can also enjoy a great selection of wild game dishes offered by this restaurant, as well as various sauces that you can combine with the kind of meat you decide on. The Vojvodina spirit is not only found in the dishes in the menu, but also in the choice of words used in that same menu, so you won’t encounter the word ˝pig˝ but the word ˝piggy˝, which is especially sweet. After, I have to admit, some longer thinking,we decided to order Salaš (piggy) steak with prunes - pork fillet stuffed with cheese and rolled in bacon with prunes sauce and red wine (870 RSD) and Homemade smoked sausages (680 RSD). The piggy was served with grilled vegetables, the meat was juicy, the cheese wasn’t in the meat, instead it was on the top of the fillet, but it didn’t diminish the richness of taste at all. The sausages were delicious,well seasoned and a bit spicy, served with roasted potatoes, and they really were home-made (since in most of the restaurants, the term ˝home made˝ means something from Idea, Maxi and other supermarkets.). As for the portions, they are really large, so you don’t have to worry whether you’ll be full after having lunch in this restaurant.
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Salaš steak with prunes |
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Homemade smoked sausages |
As for the choise of drinks, if you are a wine lover, like us, you will love it here. In addition to the large selection of bottled wine, there is also the offer of wine by the glass from the Gajić winery from Fruška Gora, which is excellent and the price is quite appropriate (260 RSD). Of course, there is also a standard drink list, there’s no need to describe it further.
The waiters, like everything else in the restaurant, were brilliant, polite and unobtrusive. They were there for every question about the menu that we had, and they helped us with their suggestions to easily decide what to order. This was especially nice: when we were leaving the restaurant, a waiter waited for us at the door with a large serving tray full of homemade Vanilice cookies(small vanilla cookies) and he told us- have something sweet before hitting the road. Indeed, very original!!
This restaurant is for those who like the style of Vojvodina, for those who like to spend a peaceful lunch with their loved ones, and for those who are motivated by love. Not everyone can enjoy in this restaurant, but only those who in their souls carry the same things as this restaurant carries within itself - love, peace and tradition.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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