Ko misli da je Gastro policiji lako da odluči gde će da jede, mnogo greši! Uglavnom se trudimo da idemo na nova mesta, kako bismo vam preneli nova iskustva. Sunce me je ogrejalo u ove hladne dane kad mi je drugarica rekla da me ovog popodneva vodi u Sač.
Restoran Sač nalazi se u srcu Zemuna, u staroj zemunskoj sinagogi i već samom svojom lokacijom budi znatiželju. Ovo je mesto nacionalne kuhinje, poznato po specijalitetima ispod sača, što se da naslutiti već iz samog naziva.
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Sač |
Unutrašnjost restorana čine zidovi i šank od cigle, kao i drveni stolovi i stolice, što ide u prilog tipu domaćeg restorana i, po mom mišljenju, ta kombinacija daje jednu lepu, romantičnu atmosferu. Leti gosti mogu da biraju da sednu i u baštu.
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Sač - enterijer |
Izbor jela je, moram priznati, za mene bio mučan. Ne zbog toga što je meni restorana oskudan, naprotiv, domaćih specijaliteta u vidu roštilja, jela ispod sača, kao i kuvanih jela ima mnogo. Problem je bio u tome što sam ja opet na nekoj od svojih čuvenih dijeta i nisam mogla da se opustim i počastim sebe nekim gurmanskim specijalitetom. U skladu sa odlukom da ostanem karakter, odlučila sam se za Pileći file sa roštilja, ali sam zamolila konobara da mi se servira samo meso, bez pomfrita. Od salate sam se odlučila samo za Zelenu salatu. Moja drugarica, koja nije na mukama kao ja, posle malo dužeg razmišljanja se odlučila za Punjeni svinjski file i Šopsku salatu.
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Pileći file |
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Punjeni svinjski file |
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Zelena salata |
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Šopska salata |
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Lepinja |
Moj, naizgled siromašan obrok, bio je veoma ukusan. Meso isprženo baš po mom ukusu, uz meni omiljeni zeleniš me je lepo zasitilo to veče. Kajmak, koji mi je bio serviran uz meso, nažalost, nisam pojela, bez obzira što me je neprekidno mamio. Drugaricino zadovoljstvo je bilo vidno, uživala je u svinjskom fileu posutom kačkavaljem i punjenom šunkom, kao i pomfritu, koji joj je uz to bio prilog.
Konobari su ljubazni, spremni da vam maksimalno izađu u susret i da odgovore na sva vaša pitanja. Cene su standardne, kao i u većini restorana.
Sač je restoran koji je poznat kako među Zemuncima, tako i među stanovnicima drugih delova Beograda, tako da svako ko želi da poseti poznata gradska mesta, mora da stavi i ovaj restoran na svoj spisak.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
Whoever thinks that Gastro police easily decides where to eat, is very wrong! We mostly try to visit new restaurants, in order to pass on new experiences. I was on cloud nine when my friend told me that, this afternoon, she’s taking me to Sač.
The restaurant Sač is located in the heart of Zemun, in the old Zemun synagogue, and by its location it already arouses curiosity. This is the place of the national cuisine, known for its specialties prepared under the bell, as you can tell by the name of the restaurant.
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Sač |
The interior of the restaurant consists of brick walls and the brick bar, as well as of wooden tables and chairs, which is appropriate for this type of restaurant and, in my opinion, this combination gives a beautiful, romantic atmosphere. In summer, guests can choose to sit in the garden as well.
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Sač - interior |
I must admit that choosing the dish was painful for me. Not because the restaurant’s menu is poor, on the contrary, there is a lot of local specialties in the form of grill, dishes under the bell, as well as ready meals. The problem was that, once again, I’m on one of my famous diets and I couldn’t relax and treat myself with some gourmet specialty. Because of that, I chose the Grilled chicken fillet, but I asked the waiter to serve me only meat, without fries. I ordered Lettuce salad as well. My friend, who is not struggling as I am, ordered the Stuffed pork fillet and the Shopska salad.
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Grilled chicken fillet |
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Stuffed pork fillet |
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Lettuce salad |
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Shopska salad |
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Flat bread |
Even though my dish seemed poor, it was very tasty. The meat was cooked just how I like, and along with my favorite greens, it formed a nice meal for me that evening. Unfortunately, I didn’t eat kaymak, which was served with the fillet, even though it constantly tempted me. My friend's satisfaction was evident, she enjoyed in a pork fillet, which was sprinkled with cheese and stuffed with ham, as well as in French fries, which were served as a side dish.
The waiters are polite, ready to meet your expectations and answer all your questions. Prices are standard, as in most restaurants.
Sač is a restaurant that is known both among the residents of Zemun and the people from the other parts of Belgrade, so everyone who wants to visit the famous city restaurants, simply has to put this restaurant on the list.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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