Srbija je poznata kao država sa odličnom kuhinjom i gostoprimljivim ugostiteljima. Naravno, određeni krajevi su poznatiji po izvesnim specijalitetima, drugi manje. Kad pričamo o dobroj kuhinji, Užice je grad koji veoma može da se pohvali svojim restoranima.
Kad smo drugarica i ja stigle ovde, prvo što smo uradile, potražile smo gde možemo lepo da ručamo. Naša priča je imala visoke ocene i pozitivne komentare gostiju, pa je Gastro policija rešila da se ovo mesto nađe u njenim recenzijama.
Ovo mesto, modernog enterijera, koji predstavlja kombinaciju cigle i drveta, može slobodno da parira svakom boljem beogradskom restoranu. Elegancija i komfor su dve reči koje bih izabrala da ga opišem.
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Naša priča - enterijer |
Bogata ponuda jelovnika nas je bacila na muke, jer smo nakon putovanja bile gladne, a kad imate odličan izbor teško je odlučiti se. Dominira nacionalna kuhinja, sa ponekim internacionalnim jelima. Za početak smo odlučile da naručimo Zakusku, u čiji sastav ulaze: pršuta, šunka, masline, jaja, sir, duvan čvarci, kajmak, ajvar... Pravo srpsko predjelo, koje nam je prvo otvorilo apetit, a zatim i zasitilo, a celo to zadovoljstvo za dve osobe košta 600 rsd. Odnos cene i kvaliteta i više nego zadovoljavajući. Ako mene pitate, "nosilac" ovih zakuski je uvek pršuta, koje je bila fenomenalna, a kako drugačije, kad je u pitanju Užice.
Postojanje fraze "gladne oči", još jednom je potvrđeno ovde. Bez obzira što nam je zakuska pristojno utolila glad, odlučile smo da uzmemo i glavno jelo. Drugarica se odlučila za Pileći file u sosu od badema (650 rsd), a ja za Rižoto sa piletinom, povrćem i soja sosom (420 rsd). Jela su bila lepa za gledanje, a još lepša za nepca. Pileći file se odlično uklopio u sočni sos od badema, serviran uz začinjeni krompir, zelenu salatu i čeri paradajz. Što se mog jela tiče, ako ste ljubitelj kineske hrane imate sve preporuke, šmek soja sosa me nikad ne ostavi ravnodušnom. Uz ove specijalitete smo uzele i jednu Bašta salatu (320 rsd).
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Pileći file u sosu od badema |
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Rižoto sa piletinom, povrćem i soja sosom |
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Bašta salata |
Cene su približne kao u beogradskim restoranima, čak i za nijansu niže.
Tog dana, kasno popodne, bilo je gostiju svih generacija, a verujem da su uveče puni, jer je ovo mesto koje osvaja i stilom i ponudom. Drago mi je što je Užice zadovoljilo standarde Gastro policije, a svim Užičanima i onima koji se tu zateknu savetujem da navrate ovde.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Serbia is known as a country of excellent cuisine and great hospitality of its caterers. Of course, some areas are more famous for certain specialties, others not as much. And speaking of good cuisine, Uzice is a city that has some priseworthy restaurants.
When my friend and I arrived here, the first thing we did was to look for a place where we could have a good lunch. Naša priča had high ratings and positive guest comments, so Gastro police decided to fit this place in one of its reviews.
This place of modern interior, which is a combination of brick and wood, can freely parry to any better Belgrade restaurant. Elegance and comfort are the two words that I would use to describe it.
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Naša priča - interior |
The rich menu led us into trouble, because we were hungry after the trip, and when you have an excellent choice in front of you, it's hard to decide. National cuisine dominates the menu, as well as some some international dishes. For a start, we decided to order Zakuska- Hors d'oeuvre, which includes: prosciutto, ham, olives, eggs, white cheese, smoked pork rinds, kaymak, Serbian ajvar ... The real Serbian appetizer, which first whet our appetite, and then surfeited it, and all that satisfaction for two people costs 600 rsd. Price and quality ratio is more than satisfactory. If you ask me, the most important"member" of these appetizers is always prosciutto, which was phenomenal, but that is normal when it comes to Uzice.
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Zakuska- Hors d'oeuvre |
The existence of the phrase " have eyes bigger than one's stomach" has been confirmed once again here. Regardless of the fact that our stomachs were already full after Zakuska, we decided to have the main course as well. My friend chose Chicken fillet in almond sauce (650 rsd), and I ordered Risotto with chicken, vegetables and soya sauce (420 rsd). The dishes were visualy nice, and even better for the palates. The chicken fillet was a perfect fit to the juicy almond sauce, served with seasoned potatoes, lettuce and cherry tomatoes. As far as for my dish, if you are a fan of Chineese food, be sure to try. In addition to these specialties, we also had one Garden Salad (320 rsd).
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Chicken fillet in almond sauce |
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Risotto with chicken, vegetables and soya sauce |
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Garden Salad |
The prices are similar to the prices in Belgrade restaurants, even a bit lower.
That late afternoon, there were guests of all ages, and I believe that they are also full in the evening, because this is a place that conquers both with style and offer. I am glad that Uzice has complied with the standards of the Gastro Police, and no matter if you’re from Uzice or just visiting, I advise you to visit this restaurant.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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