Već neko duže vreme pokušavam da pronađem neki fini bar u kojem će akcenat biti na omiljenoj hrani moje najbolje drugarice - palačinkama! Koliko mogu da primetim u Beogradu se palačinke uglavnom svode na fast food-ove, tako da nigde ne možete lepo na miru da uživate u njima, nego je sve s nogu, što ja ne podnosim. Međutim guglajući za oko su mi zapale slike Creperie Hari's, u blizini Poštanske štedionice.
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Creperie Hari's |
Kada sam došla u ovaj bar restoran bila sam vidno razočarana enterijerom i kompletnom slikom lokala. Ni nalik onome što sam očekivala kada sam gledala slike na njihovoj fejsbuk stranici. Na slikama imate utisak da će vas dočekati ni manje ni više nego lokal sa stilskim nameštajem. U stvarnosti je izgledalo mnogo drugačije. Ishabani nameštaj, graja, buka, i oblaci dima. Kao da ljudi nisu čuli za ventilaciju, ko će ga znati. Jednom rečju, ovaj prostor je daleko od fine verzije palačinkarnice. Mogu slobodno da kažem da su neki fast food-ovi za ovo mesto daleko iznad.
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Creperie Hari's |
No, hajde da ne bude sam hejter, da vidimo meni ovog mesta. Za početak, meni sam čekala deset minuta, i na kraju sam ga posudila od dečka za susednim stolom. Meni je toliko konfuzan da nemam reči. Palačinke jedino što su raspoređene po slanim i slatkim. Ostalo je bilo, Bože me sakloni! Među milion palačinki prosto se pogubite. Valjda bi trebalo lepo po sastojcima i nekom redu i rasporedu da bude napravljen meni?! Prosto narodski rečeno od tolike šume ne vidite drvo! E pa bukvalno tako je bilo sa mnom, od milion sastojaka nijedna nije bila po mom ukusu, ali sam se ipak posle mnogo muka odlučila da naručim Slanu palačinku sa pečenicom, mocarelom, Kritskim sirom i čeri paradajzom, dok se drugarica odlučila za Slatku palačinku sa čokoladom i jagodama. Konobar nam je na našu porudžbinu samo rekao da nema jagoda, pa ukoliko želite višnje eto! Pa dobro, da li ćemo jesti višnje ili jagode je najmanji problem zaista!
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Slatka palačinka |
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Slana palačinka |
Kada smo najzad dobile famozne palačinke, prva pomisao mi je bila - samo ovo? Palačinke koje jedem po fast food-ovima su daleko bogatije i većeg prečnika nego ove ovde. I ne bi to bio nikakav problem da se ovde cene palačinki ne kreću od 400 - 800 rsd. Pa dakle ako već plaćam toliko za jednu palačinku red je onda da puca bukvalno od priloga. Moja Slana palačinka košta 660 rsd, a Slatka palačinka košta 490 rsd. Za tu cenu očekujem kao prvo nezadimljen prostor kao da sam u studentskoj menzi, kao drugo očekujem da dobijem meni od konobara a ne da ga sama pronalazim po lokalu, a kao treće očekujem preukusne palačinke! Ni jedna stavka nije zadovoljena! Palačinke su bile izuzetno siromašne, moja konkretno je imala par šnita pečenice, dva čeri paradajza, malo Kritskog sira, i niskobudžetne mocarele a la Premia, ali je zato zelene salate bilo koliko god želite. Zaista sam je u jednom trenutku zapitala na šta ja bacam pare. Slatka palačinka opet ništa spektakularno.
Ukratko rečeno jedno izvikano mesto koje bih mogla da opišem kao fast food sa cenama palačinki kao da ih jedete na splavu ili u nekom finijem restoranu. Kompletno razočarenje, nažalost!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
For a while now, I’ve been trying to find a nice bar in which the emphasis will be on the favorite food of my best friend’s - crepes! As I can tell, in Belgrade, crepes are mostly eaten as fast food, there is no place where you can sit and enjoy them, and I don’t like that. However, while googling, I stumbled on some photos of Hari's Creperie, near the Post Office Savings Bank.
All in all, a place I can describe as a fast food with the prices of the crepes as you eat them in a finer restaurant or on a popular Belgrade raft. Unfortunately, a complete disappointment!
Love, Gastro police !!
For a while now, I’ve been trying to find a nice bar in which the emphasis will be on the favorite food of my best friend’s - crepes! As I can tell, in Belgrade, crepes are mostly eaten as fast food, there is no place where you can sit and enjoy them, and I don’t like that. However, while googling, I stumbled on some photos of Hari's Creperie, near the Post Office Savings Bank.
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Hari's Creperie |
When I came to this bar restaurant I was visibly disappointed by the interior and the overall looks of it. Nothing like what I expected while looking at the photos on their Facebook page. In the photos, you get the impression that you will enter no less than a bar with antique furniture. In reality, it looked very different. Worn furniture, clamor, noise, and clouds of smoke. As if they haven’t heard of ventilation, who knows. In short, this place is far from fine version of creperie. I can safely say that some fast foods are better than this place.
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Hari's Creperie |
Well, not to be a complete hater, let’s see the menu of this place. For starters, I've waited ten minutes for them to bring me the menu, and in the end I borrowed it from a guy at the next table. The menu is so confusing, I don’t know what to say... Crepes are divided into two groups: sweet and savory, and that was it. Everything else, God help us all! You get completely lost among millions of crepes. Isn’t it easier to have a menu with listed ingredients, to have some kind of order?! As people would say, can't see the forest for the trees! Literally, it was like that in my case, a million ingredients, none to my taste, but still, after a lot of thinking, I decided to order the Savory crepe with smoked ham, mozzarella, Cretan cheese and cherry tomatoes, while my friend chose the Sweet pancake with chocolate and strawberries. The waiter just said they have no strawberries, but if we wanted sour cherries, those they have! Well, whether we eat sour cherries or strawberries is the smallest problem right now!
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Sweet crepe |
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Savory crepe |
When we finally got those famous crepes, my first thought was – is this it? The crepes that I eat at fast foods are far richer and larger in diameter than these here. And that wouldn’t be a problem if the prices of the crepes in this place do not range from 400 - 800 rsd, like they do. Therefore, if I already pay this much for a crepe, the filling should be rich. My Salty crepe costs 660 rsd, and the Sweet crepe costs 490 rsd. For that price, firstly, I expect a space not filled with smoke, like in some cafeteria, secondly, I expect to get a menu from a waiter without having to find it by myself, and thirdly, I expect delicious crepes! None of these conditions were met! Crepes were very poor, my had a couple of slices of smoked ham, two cherry tomatoes, a little Cretan cheese, and low-cost mozzarella, but it was filled with lettuce. At one point, I really asked myself why I waste money on this. Sweet crepe, again nothing spectacular.
All in all, a place I can describe as a fast food with the prices of the crepes as you eat them in a finer restaurant or on a popular Belgrade raft. Unfortunately, a complete disappointment!
Love, Gastro police !!