недеља, 23. октобар 2016.

Mala fabrika ukusa

Kada me je najbolja drugarica pozvala i rekla mi da me vodi u Malu fabriku ukusa, i da je jedino što ja treba da uradim da pozovem restoran i rezervišem, mojoj sreći nije bilo kraja! Već duže vreme sam želela da ih posetim, ali iskreno bila sam malo skeptična zbog nekih negativnih komentara po društvenim mrežama, ali kad god bih pogledala njihove slike, u meni se iznova budila želja da im budem gost. Te sam odmah dohvatila telefon i rezervisala svoje mesto pod suncem!

Mala fabrika ukusa

Mala fabrika ukusa nalazi se na Vračaru, u Nebojšinoj ulici, u kući sa ogromnim dvorištem. Malo je reći da sam bila oduševljena prostorom. Bele drvene stolice i crni stolovi, sa belim ogradama po kojim visi cveće aranžirano u teglama, i sve to ušuškano pod debelim hladom drveća vraća vas u period detinjstva i odlaska kod bake na selo (bar je takvu emociju probudilo u meni). A kad smo već kod detinjstva, za najmlađe postoji skriveni kutak za igranje do kojeg se stiže stazicom. Veliki plus! Pravo mesto za opuštanje i dece i starijih, a da niko nikome ne remeti mir. Enterijer restorana prati priču prisutnu u bašti, i zaista odgovara nazivu. Prava mala fabrika sa policama po kojoj su naslagane flaše vina, začini i ostale namirnice, sa belim zidovima prepunim slika. Iako je bilo jako teško odlučiti se da li sesti unutra ili napolju, ipak je leto i zaista bi bila šteta ne večerati u tako prekrasnoj bašti.

Mala fabrika ukusa - enterijer

Mala fabrika ukusa - eksterijer

Mala fabrika ukusa - ograda

Nakon što nas je izuzetno šarmantan konobar smestio za sto, na red su došli meni i karta vina. Izbor vina je zaista ogroman ukoliko se odlučite za flašu vina. Što se tiče vina na čašu, za 490 rsd, možete da odaberete jedno od desetak vina probranih iz cele karte vina (naš izbor je pao na Tikveš Aleksandrija roze). 

Tikveš Aleksandrija roze

Meni je izuzetno dobro odrađen, i kada je izbor jela u pitanju i kada je u pitanju dizajn. Ceo meni podseća na beleške za ispit, sa podvučenim najbitnijim stavkama. Svaka čast na originalnosti! Što se tiče menija, ovde dominira srpska kuhinja, te su tu tradicionalna srpska jela, ali i nešto malo egzotičnija jela, ali opet sa primesama domaće kuhinje. Na njihovom sajtu postoji meni ali bez cena, tako da sam očekivala izuzetno visoke cene, međutim uopšte nije tako. Cene glavnih jela se kreću od 800 do 1200 rsd, ako izuzmemo biftek koji je 1750 rsd. Naš izbor ovog puta je pao na Ćuretinu rolovanu slaninom sa ajvarom i sirom i srpsko tradicionalno jelo Manastirsku piletinu. Dok smo čekale da nam se spreme jela, konobar nam je servirao kuver koji je sastojao od projica, mekika (koje su bile tople, sveže i preeeukusne) i ljutog sosa (nalik na pindjur) koji je bio pravi uvod u glavno uživanje. Ćuretina je bila servirana sa pire krompirom i bila je sjajna. Uživala sam u svakom zalogaju i to je bilo jedno od onih jela koje jedete iz čistog zadovoljstva i jednostavno iako ste se već posle pola porcije zasitili, ne možete da prestanete da jedete. Što se tiče Manastirske piletine ona je bila servirana sa sosom od kajsija, pekarskim krompirom i kuvanom šargarepom. I uopšte nije zaostajala za ćuretinom. Bila je preukusna, i moram priznati malo mi je bila simpatičnije servirana od mog jela. Kada sam videla šargarepu serviranu u mini tiganju oduševila sam se! 


Rolovana ćuretina sa ajvarom i sirom

Manastirska piletina

Mala fabrika ukusa je restoran koji po mom mišljenu zaslužuje čistu desetku i to na svakom polju, počev od ljubaznosti, preko enterijera, bašte, do načina serviranja hrane i onog što je najvažnije i bez čega pravi restoran nije pravi restoran - savršenog ukusa i načina pripremanja hrane! Od srca ću ga svima preporučiti i čestitke još jednom, zaista ste opravdali svoje ime, prava ste Mala fabrika ukusa!!

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!


When my best friend called and told me that she’s taking me to the restaurant Mala fabrika ukusa( tr. Little taste factory), and that the only thing I have to do is to call the restaurant and make a reservation, I was on cloud nine!  I wanted to go there for a long time, but, honestly, I was a little skeptical due to some negative comments by social media, but whenever I looked at their photos, I had a yearning desire to be their guest.  I immediately picked up the phone and reserved my place in the sun!

Mala fabrika ukusa

Mala fabrika ukusa is located in the municipality of Vracar, in Nebojšina Street, in a house with a huge yard. To say that I was fascinated by this place is an understatement. White wooden chairs and black tables, with white fences covered with hanging jars with flowers, all tucked under the thick shade of trees, all of these bring back the memory of your childhood, of visiting grandma at the countryside (in my case, it evoked this feeling). And speaking of childhood, there is a hidden playing area for little ones that can be reached by lane. A big plus for that! This is the place where everyone can relax, both children and elderly, no one disrupting anyone. The interior complements the garden, and it really corresponds to the name of the restaurant. Truly a little factory with shelves stacked with wine bottles, spices and other groceries, white walls covered with pictures. Although it was very difficult to decide whether to sit inside or out, it was summer after all, and it would really be a shame not to dine in such a beautiful garden.

Mala fabrika ukusa - interior
Mala fabrika ukusa - exterior
Mala fabrika ukusa - the fence

After we were escorted to our table by extremely charming waiter, it was time to take a look at the menu and the wine list. The selection of bottled wines is really huge. As for the wines by the glass, for 490 rsd, you can choose one among ten wines, selected from their wine list (we decided for Tikveš Alexandria rosé).

Tikveš Alexandria rosé

The menu is made very well, regarding both the choice of dishes and the menu’s design. The entire menu reminds me of study notes, the most important items are underlined. Congratulations for originality! As for the menu, Serbian cuisine is dominating, so the traditional Serbian dishes are on it, but also there are some a little more exotic dishes, but there is a touch of home cooking in them as well. There is a menu on their website, but the prices aren’t listed, so I expected very high prices, however, that’s not the case. Prices of main dishes range from 800 to 1200 rsd, with the exception of the beefsteak, which is 1750 rsd. This time we chose Bacon wrapped turkey breast stuffed with ajvar and white cheese and a traditional Serbian dish, Monastery chicken. While we were waiting for our dishes to be prepared, the waiter served us the cover charge which consisted of proja (Serbian corn bread), mekitsas (deep-fried pieces of dough, which were warm, fresh and delicious) and hot sauce (like Pindjur/ Serbian spicy relish), the cover charge was a proper introduction for the main delight.Turkey was served with mashed potatoes and it was great. I enjoyed every single bite, this dish is one of those that you eat for pure pleasure and even though you are already full after a half of portion, you can’t stop eating it. As for Monastery chicken, it was served with apricot sauce, baked potatoes and cooked carrots. It was as good as the turkey was. It was delicious, but I have to admit that it was nicely served from my dish. When I saw the carrots served in a mini skillet, I was impressed!

Cover charge

Bacon wrapped turkey breast stuffed with ajvar and white cheese 

Monastery chicken

Mala fabrika ukusa is the restaurant that, in my opinion, deserves an A+, in every aspect, starting from the kindness of the staff, to interior, garden, all to the way of serving food, and of what is most important and makes a restaurant a real, proper restaurant - perfect taste and their way of preparation of the food! I will heartily recommend it to everyone, and congratulations once again, you really justify your restaurant’s name, you really are the Little taste factory (Mala fabrika ukusa) !!

Love, Gastro police !!

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