simpatični likovi, na čelu sa Madre, biće vam na neki način smrenica
šta jesti i kako uživati u hrani, kao pravi hedonista. Madre, kao glava porodice i domaćica će vam samim svojim stavom od starta staviti do znanja da je ovo mesto gde se dobro jede i da niko neće ostati gladan. U ponudi imate burrito (u tortilji ili u činiji) i pileću salatu. Deluje malo? Samo tako deluje, jer imate gomilu sastojaka koji idu u burito, kao i u salatu. Za početak, birate koje meso želite. Možete da se odlučite za piletinu, svinjetinu, junetinu, ili pikantne meksičke ćufte. Prvo birate koji pirinač želite (meksički ili standardni), potom pasulj, crni ili pasulj sa dimljenim mesom, onda se odlučujete za meso. Zatim je tu i kukuruz, crveni luk, miks zelenih salata, raznorazno povrće, prelivi, mnogo dodataka posle kojih vam creva dugo neće krčati. Postoji, naravno, i vegetarijanska opcija. To vam sve spremaju na licu mesta i pred vama prave burito, tako da ste sami kreator svoje hrane. Kada ste izabrali svoj obrok, možete se odlučiti za neku od njihovih limunada, raznih ukusa, jagoda, malina, kivi, itd. Možete izabrati i churros, ako želite desert, pa da kompletirate obrok. Na to će vas verovatno navesti i marijač sa slike, koji uz gitaru ''peva'' pesmu: ''Slatka si k'o churros, sveža k'o burito, rado bih te mala za izlazak pit'o!'' I kako da vas ne navede da ne uzmete i churros? Sve to vam lepo serviraju na, takođe, simpatičnom poslužavniku, gde se priča o porodici Burrito i njihovoj hrani nastavlja.
Burrito Madre - poslužavnik |
Pošto ovde veoma često jedemo, logično je da smo probale sve sa menija. I burito (i sa tortiljom i u činiji) i salata su odlični, sa bogatim prilozima, ovo je mesto gde se na tome ne štedi. Burito u tortilji je savršen da zasiti moju šlank najbolju drugaricu, a salata je idealna za mene, što za periode kad održavam liniju, što za moje čuvene dijete, kad ih držim. Churros je, za naš ukus, malo presladak, ipak nismo baš toliki ljubitelji slatkiša, znam da je za mene to teško poverovati, ali svakako je dobar, pa mogu sladokuscima slobodno da kažem da navale. Limunade smo, takođe, sve probale i naš izbor je uglavnom jagoda, veoma prijaju, naročito po toplom letnjem danu.
Burrito i churros |
Salata i limunada |
Salata |
Burrito u činiji |
I tako, nakon svakog ukusnog obroka i punog stomaka, El Capitano (koga možete da vidite na slici), glavni kontrolor zadovoljstva mušterija, da nije nacrtan, mogao bi samo da uzvikne ''Ay policia!'' Taj uzvik ne bi bio zbog straha od policije, već potvrda da je Gastro policija još jednom otišla zadovoljna, sa tendencijom da dođe još mnogo puta.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
''Tako, tako, samo
tako, to srce želi!'',
this is a verse of popular Serbian turbo-folk song, not funny in English but
hilarious in Serbian, literal
translation would be “Like that, just like that, that my heart desires”
but since the Serbian word for Like that
is Tako,
the meaning of the verse is that my heart desires taco :D This is the song that
my best friend and I always sing after a night out in our favorite pub, after
the beer that we drank whetted our appetite. When you want to have a
good meal that will really make your stomach full, but you’ll rather have fast food than go to a
restaurant, I strongly recommend Burrito Madre. Located in Bezistan, on the
site of a former cafe Library, your visit of this place will be more than cute since
the cartoon characters of Burrito family will welcome you and “narrate”their story
while you eat. Recently, they opened two more restaurants, one in Savamala and the other in the King Alexander Boulevard,
but since we haven’t visited those yet, we will only describe the one at
Burrito Madre |
fast food stands out from the others and that is why we decided to dedicate an entire
post to it, because they definitely deserve it. The place is very nice, it consists
of ground and upper floor, with wide tables, and you’ll decide whether you want
to sit upstairs, if you want more intimate atmosphere, or down if you want to
observe passersby at Terazije. Whichever option you choose
you can’t go wrong, Burrito family photos will be all around you. Of course, during summer, there
is an option to eat outdoors, in the garden.
Burrito Madre - interior |
Burrito Madre - the garden |
Burrito Family |
likable characters, led by Madre, will be sort of a directive on what to eat
and how to enjoy the food, like a true hedonist. From the start, as a
head of the family and a housewife, Madre will make it clear to you, by her
attitude, that this is a place where you can eat well and that nobody will
remain hungry. They offer you a burrito (in
tortilla or in a bowl) and chicken salad. Seems insufficient? Only seems that way because
you have a bunch of ingredients that go into a burrito, and a salad as well. For starters, you choose
which meat you want. You can opt for chicken,
pork, beef or chili Mexican meatballs. First, you choose which
rice you want (Mexican or standard), followed by beans, black beans or beans with
smoked meat, then you choose the meat. Then there is corn, red
onion, lettuce mix, various vegetables, dressings, many ingredients that will
stop your stomach from rumbling for a long time. There is, of course, a
vegetarian option. Everything is made on spot
and in front of you, so that you are the creator of your own food. Once you have chosen your
meal, you can opt for one of their lemonades, a variety of flavors, strawberry,
raspberry, kiwi, etc. You can also choose a
churros, if you want a dessert, and to complete your meal. The mariachi from the
picture will probably make you order a churros, since he is ”playing” his guitar
while “singing” a song: '' You're sweet as churros, fresh as a burrito, baby, I'd
gladly ask you on a date''. You can’t say no to churros after that. All of this is served on a
nice, and also charming tray, where the story of Burrito family and their
food continues.
Burrito Madre - tray |
since we eat here very often, we tried everything on the menu. Both burrito (in
tortilla and in a bowl) and salad are great, with lots of ingredients, they don’t
skimp on it. Burrito in tortilla is perfect
for filling my slim best friend’s stomach, and a salad is perfect for me, both for
times when I watch my weight and when I’m
on a diet, my famous diets. Churros is a little too sweet
to our taste, we're not big fans of sweets, I know that in my case it's hard to
believe it, but it certainly is good, so I can freely say to those who like
sweets to go for it. We also tried all of their
lemonades, we usually choose one made out of strawberries, they are very savory,
especially on a warm summer day.
Burrito and churros |
Salad and lemonade |
Salad |
Burrito in a bowl |
So, after each
delicious meal and a full belly, El Capitano (which you can see in the
picture), the controller in charge of customer’s satisfaction, could only say
'' Ay policia! '', had he not been only a drawing. That would not be a cry of
fear from the police, but a confirmation that the Gastro police once again has left
satisfied, with a tendency to come back many more times.
Love, Gastro
police !!
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