Pričamo moja najbolja drugarica i ja kako se u Beogradu pojavljuje sve više gastro pabova, ali da ih nema mnogo koji su opušteni, da je izbor piva veliki i da je hrana odlična. Tako sam jedno veče šetala Zemunom i čula super muziku iz jednog kafića i kad sam bacila pogled videla sam gomilu ljudi, reklamu za Erdinger i ljude koji jedu burgere. Momentalno sam uzela telefon, pozvala svoju najbolju drugaricu i rekla: ''Vodim te u Cirkus!''
Preko puta Zemunskog parka, ova lokacija je super, jer posle šetnji Zemunom, koje kod mene uglavnom uključuju i prolaz kroz park, ovo mesto je idealno kada želim da se odmorim posle duge šetnje, ili kad hoću da izađem uveče na pivo uz dobru muziku.
Ambijent je u potpuno pabskom fazonu, šank, drveni stolovi i stolice, ali iako je prostrano, kad nastupa bend obavezno rezervisati, inače nećete imati priliku da uživate u pravoj rock žurki.
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Cirkus pab - enterijer |
Izbor piva je, kao što sam već napomenula, izuzetno veliki, a ono što je jedna od bitnih stavki je to što imaju Grimbergen, omiljeno pivo moje drugarice, kog nema baš često po pabovima/kafićima, tako da ona uživa u pijuckanju istog, dok se moja nepca zadovoljavaju Paulanerom ili Erdingerom.
U moru ove sjajne ponude piva, logično je da vam se apetit baš otvori posle nekog vremena. U tom slučaju, apetit će vam upotpuniti opet tipičan pabski meni. Imate dobar izbor burgera, krilca, rebarca i joše neka jela koja idu uz pivo. Naš izbor pao je na burgere. U meniju se nalazi nekoliko vrsta burgera i za koji god da se odlučite, nećete se pokajati. U porciji su dva burgera, servirana sa pomfritom ili začinjenim krompirom (kako više volite) i veoma su ukusni. Sveže juneće meso, tople lepinje sa susamom, u mom slučaju sa zelenom salatom i sirom. Ako ste baš gladni, uzmite celu porciju, sigurno ćete biti dugo siti, a ako hoćete da prezalogajite, onda definitivno uzmite pola porcije. Cene burgera su oko 500 rsd, tako da cena skroz prati uslugu.
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Burger sa začinjenim krompirom |
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Burger sa pomfritom |
Osoblje je veoma ljubazno, fini konobari koji vam u svemu izlaze u susret, pomoći će vam da se odlučite, bilo da se dvoumite oko piva, bilo oko hrane.
Ekipa je raznolika, ima dosta lokalaca, nekad će biti pretežno mlađi, nekad srednje generacije, verovatno zavisi i od dana i od vremena, ali svakako, kad god da svratite, sigurno ćete poželeti da dođete opet.
Voli vas vaša gastro policija!!
My best friend and I
were discussing how lately there are more and more gastro-pubs opening in
Belgrade, but not many of them are cozy, with a big selection of beers and excellent
foods. So one evening, while I was taking a walk in Zemun, I heard great
music from a cafe, and when I checked it out, I saw a bunch of people, an advertising
for Erdinger beer and people who were eating burgers. I immediately picked
up the phone and called my best friend, saying: '' I'm taking you to the Cirkus!
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Cirkus pab |
Its location across the Zemun Park is great, because
after taking a walk in Zemun, which in my case generally includes going through
the park, this place is ideal for taking a rest after a long walk, or going out
in the evening, for a beer and some good music.
The interior resembles
a traditional pub, there’s a barroom, wooden tables and chairs, but although it
is spacious, you should make a reservation for a table when there is a live gig,
or otherwise you won’t have the opportunity to enjoy a real rock party.
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Cirkus pab - interior |
As I mentioned already, the beer selection is really big, but one
of the important items on the list is that they have Grimbergen beer, my
friend's favorite one, which you can’t find that often in pubs / bars, so this
time, she enjoyed sipping that beer, while I satisfied my palate with Paulaner
or Erdinger beer.
After a while, this
great offer of beer will surely whet your appetite. In that case, their typical
pub menu will suit it. A good selection of burgers, chicken wings, ribs
and some other dishes that go well with beer. We decide for the burgers. There
are several types of burgers on the menu and for whichever you decide, you won’t
regret it. One portion consists of two burgers served with fries or spicy
potato wedges (whichever you prefer) and they are very tasty. Fresh ground
beef, warm buns with sesame seeds on tops, in my case with lettuce and cheese. If
you're really hungry, take the whole portion, you will surely be full for a
while, but if you just want to have a snack, then definitely take half of a
portion. Prices of burgers are about 500 RSD, so the price totally fits
the goods.
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Burger with spicy potato wedges |
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Burger with fries |
The staff is very friendly, nice waiters will
meet your every demand, and if you can’t decide or if you have any question
about the beers or foods, they will help you for sure.
You can find people of all types here, there
are plenty of locals, sometimes there will be more young people, other times the
majority will be the middle generation, it probably depends on the day and time
of the day, but it is certain, whenever you stop by, you will definitely want
to pay a visit again.
Love, Gastro police !!
Moj omiljeni pab, najopustenije se tamo.osecam!