недеља, 15. мај 2016.


Šetamo gradom, u nedoumici gde sesti na večeru, s obzirom da nije ostalo mnogo restorana koje nismo posetile. Odlučujemo se da probamo negde gde bi po default-u hrana morala da valja, budući na lokaciju mesta. Da, izbor je pao na restoran "Tribeca", na uglu Knez Mihailove i Kralja Petra.

Dočekao nas je izuzetno ljubazan konobar koji definitivno zaslužuje čistu peticu za trud oko toga da se gost oseća što prijatnije, ali sa enterijerom restorana je sasvim druga priča. Deluje pomalo oronulo i zapušteno.. Pravo da vam kažem nisam ni zapamtila šta dominira od boja, pošto je sve nekako neautentično i smrknuto..


Sele smo u baštu gde je atmosfera  i više nego živa (za razliku od unutrašnjeg dela restorana koji je isto bio pun) jer je restoran u sred gradske vreve. Ekipa se može okarakterisati kao od 7 do 107, što bi, logično bi bilo, trebalo da ukazuje na dobar glas i raznovrsnost ukusa. Ali, avaj, ne lezi vraže, već posle par min je nešto ukazalo na to da čuvena "Tribeca" ima dosta nedostataka. Kako u karti pića nismo videle ponudu vina, tražile smo konobaru da nam donese vinsku kartu, na šta je on rekao da je nemaju, jer mnogih vina nema koja su se nalazila na spisku, nego da će nam on iz glave reći šta sve imaju. Restoran u sred gradske vreve, bez karte vina, hmmm... To baš ne ide u prilog njihovom ugledu, složićete se... No, ko radi, taj i greši, tako da bi to moglo i da im se oprosti, tj. progleda kroz prste, dok ne naprave novu, ažuriranu vinsku kartu. Naručivši bermet i uživajući u njegovom slatkastom ukusu, posle malo dužeg razmišljanja, ovog puta nam je, što se tiče klope, izbor pao na portugalski rižoto sa lignjama i crvenim pasuljem i njoke sa biftekom, sušenim paradajzom i vrganjima. Što se tiče mog jela, prvi utisak je bio da sam prilično zadovoljna i mogu reći da sam baš uživala u ukusu izabrane hrane, ali, kad sam malo razmislila i udubila se u analizu svog obroka došla sam do prilično neočekivanog zaključka. Svi sastojci moje hrane su izgleda kupljeni u Maxi-ju, ili nekom drugom supermarketu, a pogotovo slatko-ljuti sos, koji i sama imam kod kuće i veoma često ga stavljam u svoja omiljena jela. Hrana jeste bila ukusna, ali kao da sam je ja spremala kod kuće, a kad dođem u restoran ipak očekujem da pojedem nešto što ne mogu sama da spremim. Moje jelo ajde, još je nekako i prošlo, opet naglašavam, ukusno, ali sa sastojcima koje ima svaka kuća. Što se tiče jela moje drugarice, to je bio pravi fijasko. Njoke iz Maxi-ja, kakve, opet naglašavam i sama spremam kod kuće. Ali ono što je ipak dovelo do toga da više nikad ne poželim da se vratim ovde je to što mi je drugarica rekla da joj je čudan taj biftek sa njokama i dala mi je da ga probam. Kad sam probala, bila sam u šoku - ono uopšte nije bio biftek, nego tipična krmenadla ili vrat, što bi objasnilo ne tako veliku cenu tih njoka. Plus je u pasti umesto sušenog paradajza bio običan sveži čeri paradajz. Totalna katastrofa i sramota! I nismo samo nas dve bile nezadovoljne, za stolom do našeg gosti su vratili jelo (pošto očigledno nešto nije bilo u redu, nismo baš mogle da prisluškujemo, složićemo se da je nepristojno), pa im se konobar izvinjavao i doneo im drugo. Da smo i mi bile pametne trebalo je da vratimo ovu pastu, ali ajde sad..

Portugalski rižoto sa lignjama i crvenim pasuljem

Njoke sa biftekom, sušenim paradajzom i vrganjima

Što se tiče higijene, toalet je zanimljivog dizajna i izizetno čist, tako da na to nemam primedbe.

Suma sumarum - za centar grada je ovo i više nego neprofesionalno i odavno bi propali sa se ne nalaze na toj lokaciji. Da li je do kuvara, ili do nečeg drugog, ne znam, ali mnoge stvari ovde ne valjaju i pod hitno bi morale da se promene, a dok se to ne desi, ja im neću biti gost ponovo.

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!

(www.tribeca.rs nije u funkciji)


We are taking a walk, uncertain where to sit down and have dinner , given that there is not a lot of restaurants that we haven’t visited . We decided to try somewhere where the food would have to be good by default, because of the location. Yes, the choice was the restaurant " Tribeca " , at the corner of Knez Mihailova and Kralja Petra Street .

We were greeted by very friendly waiter who definitely deserves an A for effort that the guests feel more comfortable , but the interior of the restaurant is an entirely different story . It looks a bit dilapidated and neglected .. To be honest I did not even remember what color dominates, since everything is somehow inauthentic and grimly ..


We sat in the garden where the atmosphere is more than rousing (as opposed to the inner part of the restaurant, which was also full) because the restaurant is in the middle of the city throng. The guests can be described as 7 to 107, which should, logically, indicate a good reputation and diversity of taste. But, alas, after a few minutes something pointed out that the famous "Tribeca" has a lot of shortcomings. As in the drinks list we didn’t see a selection of wine, we asked the waiter to bring us the wine list, to which he said that they do not have one, since they don’t have many wines that were on the list, then he listed which ones they had in that moment. The restaurant in the middle of the city throng, no wine list, hmmm ... That's not in favor of their reputation, you have to agree ... But who works makes mistakes so it can be forgiven, until they make a new, updated wine list. After ordering Bermet wine and enjoying its sweetness, after thinking a bit longer this time, for our meal, we chose  Portuguese risotto with squid and red beans and Gnocchi with steak, dried tomatoes and penny bun mushrooms. As for my meal, the first impression was that I am quite happy and I can say that I really enjoyed the taste of food selected, but when thought about it and immersed in an analysis of my meal, I came to a rather unexpected conclusion. All the ingredients seem to be purchased in a local grocery shop, particularly a sweet-hot sauce, which I also have at home and very often I put it in my favorite dishes. The food was delicious, but it's like I made it at home, and when I go to a restaurant I expect to eat something that I can’t prepare by myself. My meal somehow passed the test, but to stress it  again, it was tasty, but with ingredients that each house has. As for the dish of my friend, it was a fiasco. Frozen gnocchi from supermarket, which I have at home. But what led to never wanting to come back here is when my friend said that the steak tastes weird , she gave mea bite to try it. When I tried it, I was in shock - it was not a steak , it was a typical pork chop, neck meat, which would explain the not-so-high price of these gnocchi. Plus in the pasta, instead of dried tomatoes was a simple fresh cherry tomato. Total disaster and disgrace! And not just the two of us were dissatisfied, at the next table guests have returned their food (because obviously something was wrong, we were not able to hear why, it's rude to eavesdrop, after all), but their waiter apologized and brought them a new one. If we were smart we should have returned it, but nevermind ..

Portuguese risotto with squid and black beans

Gnocchi with steak, dried tomatoes and penny buns mushrooms

As for hygiene, the toilet is of an interesting design and really clean, so I have no objections to it.
All in all - this is more than unprofessional and if not for their downtown location ,they would have been closed a long time ago . Is it because of the chef or something else, I do not know, but many things are wrong here and should urgently be changed, but until that happens, I'm not going to be a guest again.

Love, Gastro police !!

(www.tribeca.rs is not functioning)

1 коментар:

  1. Анониман11. јул 2016. 14:24

    Onaj na Novom Beogradu je bio jos gori, nije ni cudo sto su ga zatvorili, mislila sam da je u gradu ipak bolja situacija, ali logicno da nije.
