недеља, 22. мај 2016.

Druga priča

Ljubičasto! To je prva stvar na koju pomislim kada se pomene restoran "Druga priča". Drugarica koja je pravi zaljubljenik u dezertna vina mi je toliko pričala u poslednje dve nedelje kako je tamo pila najlepše vino da sam jednostavno morala da odem da vidim kako to mesto izgleda. I da naravno sve podelim sa vama.

Restoran "Druga priča" - enterijer

Restoran, tj. splav nalazi se na Ušću, blizu hotela Jugoslavija, tako da taxijem možete brzo da stignete (osim ako nemate drugaricu kao ja koja sve mora da zakomplikuje, pa vas po njenim objašnjenjima taxista ostavi 2km udaljeno od ciljne tačke, ali bar je bio lep dan pa smo prošetale).

I eto nas. Najzad! Ulazimo na splav, gde vas odmah na vratima dočekuje prijatan konobar, možda čak i previše prijatan. Šta ću jednostavno nisam navikla da je neko toliko fin.. Pošto nije bila tolika gužva, imale smo taj luksuz da same odaberemo sto. Naravno biram sto pored prozora, da uživam u pogledu na reku. Stolice ljubičaste (malo neudobne), sa roze cvećem u vazici i ofarbanim jajima na stolu je pun pogodak! Bila sam očarana tim stolom. Sve je tako romantično i sa stilom. Enterijer ovog splava je pravi ženski, ko da je samo za dame dizajniran (što i nije tako loše). Mada bilo je i muškaraca i žena, tako da ljubičasta boja ne predstavlja branu u tom smislu. 

Restoran "Druga priča" - eksterijer

Elem, da pređemo na meni. Ok je, mada iskreno može to mnogo bolje.. Što bi moja drugarica rekla, na meniju su sva jela koja možeš i kod kuće da spremiš.. Ništa egzotično.. Ne znam ni kako bih okarakterisala meni.. Neka mini varijanta internacionalne kuhinje.. Posle dužeg razmišljanja šta naručiti odlučujemo se za "Brus Li" piletinu i Teleće skalopine sa pršutom i kačkavaljem. To je po nama delovalo najegzotičnije. I naravno uz ručak nam je bilo potrebno to dezertno vino o kojem mi je drugarica pričala. Kada smo pitale za dezertno vino, konobari (da, njih trojica su se okupila) su bili zbunjeni, kao da nikada nisu ni imali dezertna vina. Posle malo razmišljanja, jedan od njih trojice se "setio" vina, i doneo nam flašu. To vino je doneseno sa komšijskog splava, čuvenog restorana "Žabar". Kakav je to restoran koji zaboga nema svoja vina, nego po potrebi donosi sa susednih splavova? Svašta.. koji propust. Ok, donesite vi vino od koga želite, ali to se ne govori pred gostima.. Ali dobro, Bože moj, vremenom se sve nauči.. I dobro, dobismo na kraju to vino, koje je konobar stavio na sto do nas (iako je na našem stolu bilo dovoljno mesto).. po kom principu ja sad moram stalno da dozivam konobara svakih pet minuta da mi dosipa vino.. mogu sama, i želim sama.. došla sam sa drugaricom na ručak da se ispričam a ne da svakih pet minuta dozivam konobara. Nakon što sam mu rekla da stavi vino na moj sto, rekao je kako njemu to nije teško.. Ok, nije ti teško, ali ako sam već rekla da se vino prenese, ne znam čemu dalje polemisanje.. Još jedan minus.. To su vam oni isuviše ljubazni konobari od kojih nemate nikakvu privatnost.. I najzad dobismo ručak.. Ništa spektakularno, testenina nedovoljno skuvana, skalopine isuviše tvrde, piletina takođe nije ostavila bez daha.. Uz ručak smo dobile hleb koji niko nije tražio i koji je bio bajat, tako da sam i htela da ga jedem, vratila bih ga.. Zlatno je pravilo da po kuveru (koji ovde ne postoji) ili po hlebu odmah i uvek možete da procenite celo stanje u restoranu. 

Piletina "Brus Li"

Teleće skalopine sa pršutom i kačkavaljem

Cene kao cene se ne razlikuju nešto od ostalih restorana, ali iskreno trebalo bi da budu mnooogo niže.. jer ono što pružaju nije ni prineti drugim mestima sa takvim cenama. Za kraj konobar (da, ponovo konobar) nam je doneo po dve lizalice uz reči - zato što smo bile dobre. Malo degutantno dvema doktorkama od po trideset godina to reći, ali dobro. Duhovitost takođe ispod nivoa.. 

"Druga priča" lizalica

Da nije bilo tog cveća, i te ljubičaste boje, posle natezanja oko vina bih odmah otišla na drugo mesto, ali da ne ispadne da sam neka duribaba. Ovaj restoran još dosta treba da poradi na svim tačkama ako želi da uspe u moru beogradskih restorana. Kao ocenu na celokupan doživljaj - dajem im slabu trojku, i to zbog konobara koji se stvarno trudio oko nas (iako naglašavam ne volim baš toliku ljubaznost). Ovaj splav bih preporučula za neku jutarnju kaficu, jer je enterijer zaista lep i domaćinski.. A za nešto više ipak preporučujem neko drugo mesto.. 

Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!


Purple! This is the first thing you think of when someone mentions a restaurant "Druga priča". In the last two weeks, a friend who is a real fan of dessert wine repedetly told me that in this restaurant she drank the most beautiful wine, so I just had to go and see how the place looks. And of course to share it all with you. 

Restaurant ''Druga priča'' - interior

Restaurant, ie. Floating raft is located at the river mouth, close to the hotel Yugoslavia, so you can quickly take a taxi to get there (unless you have a friend like me that must everything  complicate, giving bad route explanations to the taxi driver who eventually leaves you 2km from the target point, but at least it was a nice day so we walked).

And here we are. Finally! We're entering the the floating raft, where you are immediately greeted at the door by a pleasant waiter, maybe even too friendly. What can I do, I'm just not used to someone being so nice .. Since it was not so crowded, we had the luxury to choose our own table. Of course I choose a table by the window to enjoy the view of the river. Purple chairs (slightly uncomfortable), with pink flowers in little vases and decorated easter eggs on the table were a big hit! I was fascinated by that table. Everything is so romantic and classy. The interior of this restaurant is a girly, like it was made only for ladies (which is not so bad). Although there were men and women, so that purple color does not represent a barrier in this regard.

Restaurant ''Druga priča'' -exterior

Anyway, let's get to the menu. The menu is fine but honestly it can be much better .. What my friend likes to say, the menu includes all the dishes that you can prepare at home.. Nothing exotic .. I do not know how I would describe it.. Like the variant of international cuisine. . After much thought we decide to order "Bruce Lee" chicken and Veal scaloppine with prosciutto and cheese. It sounded the most exotic. And of course with lunch we needed that dessert wine of which my friend was talking about. When we asked for the dessert wine, waiters (yes, three of them were together) were confused, as if they never had a dessert wine. After a bit of thinking, one of the three has "remembered" the wine, and brought us a bottle. This wine they found at the next floating raft, the famous restaurant "Zabar". What kind of restaurant does not have its own wines, but, when necessary, they bring it from neighboring rafts? Whatever .. what a failure. Okay, bring a wine from whom you want, but you do not say in front of the guests .. But well, you learn all the time .. Ok, at the end we got that wine, which the waiter put on the table next to us (although there was enough room on our table) .. And now I have to constantly call a waiter, like every five minutes to pour me some wine .. I can do it by myself, I want to do it by myself .. I came with a friend for lunch to talk and catch up, not to call the waiter every five minutes. After I told him to put the wine on my table, he said that it's not difficult to him to come every time we call him and serve the wine .. Ok, it’s not difficult to you, but if I said that you transfer the wine, I do not know why further polemic discussion is needed .. Another minus .. These are those types of waiters, too kind but giving you no privacy .. and finally the food is here .. Nothing spectacular, insufficiently cooked pasta, scaloppini too hard, the chicken was also regular .. During lunch we got bread that nobody asked for, and it was stale, so if I wanted to eat it, I would have returned it .. It is a golden rule that after looking at what cover charge (which does not exist in this restaurant) or the bread look like , you can immediately assess the whole situation in a restaurant.

Veal scaloppine with prosciutto and cheese

Chicken ''Bruce Lee''

Prices alone do not differ from the other restaurants, but frankly they should be a lot lower .. because their offers are not even close to the other places with such prices. In the end the waiter (yes, again the waiter) brought us two lollipops and said that for being good we deserved a lollipop. Not a nice thing to say to two thirty years old doctors, but ok. Wittiness also below average.. 

''Druga priča'' lollipop

If not for beautiful flowers, and this purple color, after wrangling over the wine I would immediately go to a different place, but not to be a grumpy old lady , this restaurant still has to work a lot on all counts if they want to succeed in a sea of restaurants in Belgrade. As the assessment of the overall experience – I give them a low C, due to the waiter who really gave a hard effort (although I do not like so much kindness). This restaurant I would recommend for a morning coffee, because the interior is really nice and homey .. And for something more I recommend that you go somewhere else ..

Love, Gastro police !!

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