Ove nedelje smo šetale po Zemunu. Pregršt restorana, svaki vas mami, nudi ponude, te dnevne, te jutarnje, da se čoveku zavrti u glavi.. Milion bašta, splavova, restorana, ali bašta New Marinera se defnitivno izdvojila od ostalih.
Na samom početku ulazite u jedno veliko dvorište, puno zelenila, sa predivnim drvenim stolicama i barom. U jednom uglu dvorišta stoji jedna prelepa drvena kočija sa cvećem, dok je u drugom veliko sidro.. Vidi se da se prostor uređivao sa dosta emocija.. Jednostavno je sve na svom mestu. Ali to nije sve. Ovo je samo uvod.. Kada prođete dvorište (u kojem takođe imate baštenski meni i možete da pojedete pastu) ulazite na splav. Ceo enterijer splava je u mornarskom fazonu. Drvene stolice, plavo bele boje koje dominiraju ostavljaju na vas utisak spokoja. Detalji kao što su brodići, sidra, kockasti stolnjaci, samo su kap u moru. Imate utisak kao da ste se teleportovali na morsku obalu. Naravno pošto je vreme predivno, rešile smo da sednemo na terasu splava koja ni po čemu ne zaostaje od unutrašnjosti splava.
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New Marinero |
Nakon što smo se smestile za sto, konobar nam donosi veliku bocu u kojoj su meniji urolani. Jednom rečju - upravo ste dobili poruku u boci. Restoran je internacionalnog karaktera, te ima veliki izbor pasti, morskih specijaliteta, ćuretine, bifteka.. Doneta je odluka posle malo dvoumljenja, pošto vas sve mami da probate! Naručile smo "Al salmone" salatu i Ćureća prsa u sosu od mandarine "Palermo". Pre naručenog jela uživale smo u kuveru koji se sastoji od belog i crnog peciva i preeeukusnog belog krema sa belim lukom i susamom. Hrana je bila odlična, u kombinaciji sa crnim vinom i talasima koji ljuljuškaju - osećaj je fantastičan!!
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Ćureća prsa u sosu od mandarine "Palermo" |
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Salata "Al Salmone" |
Cene su sasvim korektne. Za ovakav užitak je vredelo svakog potrošenog dinara. I da sam želela da se požalim na nešto nisam imala. Tako da u ovom slučaju savršenstvo itekako postoji.
U ovom restoranu čak su i u toaletu mislili na svaku sitnicu. Tako da ni za njega nemam zamerki iako sam tu izuzetno sitničava. Sve je bilo na svom mestu, sa higijenom na nivou.
Zaključak - Ovo je definitivno restoran koji ću sa zadovoljstvom da preporučim svim svojim prijateljima!!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija !!
This week we went for a walk in Zemun.
A handful of restaurants, each one lures you, daily offers, morning offers, it
makes me dizzy… Like a million of gardens, floating rafts, restaurants, but a
garden of New Marinero definitely stood out from the rest.
First, you enter into a big yard, lots
of greenery, with beautiful wooden chairs and a bar. In one corner of the yard
stands a beautiful wooden carriage with flowers, while in the other corner
there is an anchor... You can see that the space was arranged with lots of emotion...
Everything is just in its own place. But that's not all. This is just a
beginning... When you pass the yard (which also has a garden menu and you can
eat pasta there) you enter the floating raft. The entire interior is in navy
design. Wooden chairs, blue and white colors that dominate leave you with a feeling
of calmness. Details such as boats, anchors, checkered tablecloths are just a
drop in the ocean. You feel like you've been teleported to the seashore. Of
course, since the weather was beautiful, we decided to sit on the terrace,
which in no way falls short of the interior design.
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New Marinero |
After we settled, the waiter brought us a big bottle in which the menu was folded. In a word - you just got a message in a bottle. The restaurant has an international cuisine, therefore it has a great variety of pasta, seafood, turkey, steak... The decision was made after some thinking, since everything is just enticing you to try! We ordered „Al Salmone“ salad and „Palermo” turkey fillet in a mandarine sauce. Before the ordered dish came, we enjoyed in their cover charge consisting of light and dark rye pastry and delicious white cream with garlic and sesame. The food was excellent, combined with red wine and the swaying of the waves- the feeling was fantastic!!
Prices are moderate. For this pleasure
is worth every spent cent. Even if I wanted to complain about something, there
is nothing to complain about. So in this case perfection indeed exists.
In this restaurant, even in the toilet,
they thought about every little thing. So even though I am extremely petty
about that, there is nothing bad to say about it. Everything was in its place,
the level of hygiene is high.
Bottom line - this is definitely a
restaurant that I will gladly recommend to all of my friends!!
Love, Gastro police !!
Love, Gastro police !!
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