Proleće je uveliko stiglo, a ja sam prvi porast temperature odlučila da provedem na ručku sa meni dragom osobom. Lokalpatriotizam je i ovog puta nadvladao tako da je izbor pao na restoran - Mala Slavija.
Mala Slavija |
Restoran Mala Slavija se nalazi, kao što i samo ime kaže, na Slaviji, u srcu Vračara. Sam ulaz u restoran je pomalo zapušten i neprivlačan, međutim kada sam ušla u restoran utisak se malo poboljšao. Enterijer restorana je klasičnog nacionalnog izgleda, sa kockastim stolnjacima. U 16h popodne skoro svi stolovi su bili zauzeti, međutim uspeli smo i mi da se smestimo.
Jelovnik je pretežno nacionalni, sa pokojim internacionalnim jelom. Sistematičan je, pregledan sa čak malo i prevelikim brojem jela. Osim glavnog jelovnika, postoji i dodatni dnevni jelovnik sa specijalitetima toga dana. Uglavnom su u pitanju kuvana jela, te pretpostavljam da je najsigurnija varijanta odabir jela sa ovog dela jelovnika, jer su ta jela verovatno spremljena tog dana.
Mi smo se odlučili za jela iz glavnog jelovnika - Teleću čorbu, Karađorđevu šniclu i Piletinu u gorgonzola sosu. Teleća čorba (RSD 230) nam je bila postavljena u roku od par minuta nakon što smo je poručili. Nisam fan baš toliko brze usluge, prosto imate osećaj da ste u menzi i da konobar jedva čeka da vas natovi, naplati vam i izbaci vas iz restorana, i oslobodi sto za sledećeg gosta. Osim što je brzo bila poslužena, Teleća čorba je pre bila čorba sa aromom teletine i po kojim komadom mesa. Daleko od toga da može sa ponosom da nosi ovo ime. Što se tiče glavnih jela, očigledno je u ovom restoranu veći akcenat na kvantitetu nego kvalitetu. Ne brinite, definitivno nećete ostati gladni jer su porcije abnormalno velike. Karađorđeva šnicla (RSD 820) bila je klasično servirana sa pomfritom i zadovoljila je kriterijume. Piletina u gorgonzola sosu (RSD 780) bila je prijatno iznenađenje jer je bila zaista sočna i ukusna, međutim bila je servirana sa pirinčem koji je bio hladan, te je upropastio celokupni pozitivni utisak. Uz sve to bila je servirana korpa sa komplet pecivom (RSD 80) koju su činili beli i crni hleb (koji je bio bajat), kao i lovačke lepinje sa sirom (koje su izvadile prosek jer su bile sveže). Ipak neki balans u svemiru mora da postoji, pa je tako bilo i sa korpom peciva.
Teleća čorba |
Komplet peciva |
Karađorđeva šnicla |
Piletina u gorgonzola sosu |
Osoblje je starije i vrlo užurbano i neprijatno. Toliko neprijatno da kada smo dobili tamno točeno pivo umesto svetlog koje smo naručili, umesto izvinjenja osoblja, naišli smo na drskost i ubeđivanje da smo naručili tamno pivo. Ogroman minus za osoblje. Upravo iz tog razloga nisam želela ni da im tražim vinsku kartu jer bih verovatno umesto karte vina dobila reakciju prevrtanja očima od strane konobara.
Kada je tip gostiju u pitanju, većinu su činili ljudi starijih generacija, i koliko sam mogla da primetim uglavnom su to bili poslovni ručkovi.
Tako da ukoliko tražite restoran nacionalne kuhinje, sa brzom uslugom i velikim porcijama, a kvalitet vam nije toliko bitan, Mala Slavija bi mogla da bude jedan od naših predloga. Ipak na kraju krajeva, bitno je sa kim ste, a ne gde ste.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Spring has come and I decided to spend this first temperature rise at a lunch with a person dear to me. This time, my local patriotism won again, so this week’s choice was the restaurant - Mala Slavija.
Mala Slavija |
As its name says, the restaurant Mala Slavija is located at Slavija, in the heart of Vracar Municipality. The entrance to the restaurant is a bit neglected and unappealing, but when I entered inside, my impression slightly improved. The interior of the restaurant is traditional, with checkered tablecloths. At 4:00 pm, the restaurant was almost full, but we managed to find a free table.
The menu is mainly traditional, with some international dishes. It is systematic, easy to read, but with a slightly bigger number of dishes. In addition to the main menu, there is an additional daily menu with the specialties of that day. There are mostly cooked meals on that menu, so I suppose the safest option is to choose a meal from that part of the menu, because those dishes were probably cooked on that day.
We ordered the dishes from the main menu – Veal soup, Karadjordje’s steak and Gorgonzola chicken. The Veal soup (RSD 230) was served within a few minutes after we ordered it. I’m not a big fan of such a quick service, it just makes you feel like you’re in a cafeteria, like the waiter can’t wait to feed you, charge you and throw you out of the restaurant, to free the table for the next guest. Besides being quickly served, the Veal soup tasted like a veal stock with a few pieces of meat. Far from being good enough to proudly carries the name. As for the main dishes, it’s obvious that in this restaurant the quantity is more important than quality. Don’t worry, you definitely won’t be hungry because the portions are abnormally large. Karadjordje's steak (RSD 820) was classically served with French fries and it met the criteria. Gorgonzola chicken (RSD 780) was a pleasant surprise because it was really juicy and tasty, but it was served with rice that was cold, so that ruined the overall positive impression. With all of this, they served us a bread basket (RSD 80), which included white and rye bread (which was stale), as well as hunter's flatbread with cheese (which were fresh, so the overall impression was better). Still, some balance in the universe must exist, that was the case with the bread basket, too.
Veal soup |
Bread basket |
Karadjordje's steak |
Gorgonzola chicken |
The staff is older, working against time and unpleasant. So unpleasant that when we received a dark draught beer instead of the light one we have ordered, instead of apology, they had the audacity to suggest that the mistake is ours and that we actually ordered dark beer. Huge minus for the staff. For that very reason, I didn’t even want to ask for the wine list, because the waiter would probably roll his eyes at me instead of getting it.
When it comes to the type of guests, most of them are elderly people, and as far as I could notice, most of the people were actually on business lunches.
So if you are looking for a national cuisine restaurant, with fast service and large portions, and if quality is not that important to you, we could recommend you the restaurant Mala Slavija. After all, it doesn’t matter where you are but who you’re with.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.