Miholjsko leto valja iskoristiti. A ja sam ovog puta rešila da prošetam po Savskom keju sa svojom dragom drugaricom i da sočne tračeve razmenimo na jednom splavu u ovom kraju. U pitanju je Godo.
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Splav Godo |
Splav je modernog dizajna, i moram da priznam da sam ga zaobilazila jedno duže vreme baš zbog toga što sam mislila da je jedno od onih pozerskih mesta (koja ne podnosim), ali prevarila sam se i te kako. Kada smo se smestile na terasu sa predivnim pogledom na Savu shvatila sam da je ovo izuzetno opušteno mesto za nedeljni ručak (kakvo je stanje uveče, zaista ne znam).
Konobara smo doduše maaalo duže čekale, na kraju čak i dozivale, ali dobro, ajde da ne cepidlačim i ja. Bitno da je došao i da nas je uslužio, a to da li je bio brz i šarmantan sam će proceniti na osnovu bakšiša, pa će se sledeći put potruditi više pretpostavljam.
Meni je vrlo zanimljiv, sa nezaobilaznom ponudom za doručak, a ono što je zanimljivo su dnevne ponude ovog splava, pa tako za 400-500 rsd možete da ručate. Ponuda dana je različita svakog dana u nedelji, a na sajtu ovog splava možete malo više da se infotmišete o tome. Pošto je bio vikend, nas su dnevne ponude zaobišle te je naš izbor ovog puta pao na Mediteranski mix sa piletinom (595 rsd) i Saltimbocca bianca sa grilovanim povrćem (790 rsd). Ukus piletine u oba jela je bio sjajan, a osim ukusa bilo je i vrlo lepo i originalno servirano. Povrće je bilo takođe vrlo ukusno, i dobro začinjeno.
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Mediteranski mix sa piletinom |
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Saltimbocca bianca sa grilovanim povrćem |
A s obzirom da smo bile vrlo zadovoljne glavnim jelom odlučile smo da naručimo i desert da vidimo da li su i na tom polju sjajni. Drugarica koja je ogromni fan palačinki odlučila se za Tiramisu palačinku (285 rsd), a ja sam naručila Crno beli mus od čokolade (265 rsd). Kada su nam doneli deserte, palačinka je na obe ostavila isti utisak - VAU - zaista originalno servirano i spremljeno. A što je najbitnije bila je i VAU ukusa. Mus je bio dobar, ali ne baš za visoku ocenu. Video se trud, ali jednostavno to nije bilo to.
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Tiramisu palačinka |
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Crno beli mus od čokolade |
Ukoliko ste ljubitelj sedenja pored reke u popodnevnim satima, Godo će vas definitvno kupiti. Uz veoma bogatu kartu pića i jelovnik sigurno ćete pronaći nešto po svom ukusu, kao što smo i mi.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
One should make the most out of Indian summer. And this time, I decided to take a walk with my dear friend, along the Sava quay and exchange juicy gossips on one of the raft restaurants in this area. The raft restaurant Godo.
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The raft restaurant Godo |
It’s modernly designed, and I must admit that I avoided it for a long time, just because I thought it was one of those places filled with poseurs (and I can’t stand those kind of places), but I was very wrong. When we took our seats on the terrace with a beautiful view of the Sava river, I realized that this is a very cozy place for a Sunday lunch (I really can’t tell what it’s like in the evening).
However, we waited a little longer for the waiter to come, eventually we ended up calling him by ourselves, but well, let's not quibble over minor details. It's important that he served us, and whether he was fast and charming, he can evaluate according to his tip, so I guess the next time he will try harder.
The menu is very interesting, with the inevitable breakfast offer, and what is even more interesting are the daily offers, so you can have lunch for 400-500 rsd. The daily offer is different each day of the week, and you can get more info about it on the website of this restaurant. Since it was weekend, we missed the daily offer, so our choices were the Mediterranean mix with chicken (595 rsd) and Saltimbocca bianca with grilled vegetables (790 rsd). The taste of the chicken in both dishes was great, and apart from the taste, it was also very nicely and originally served. The vegetables were also very tasty and well seasoned.
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Mediterranean mix with chicken |
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Saltimbocca bianca with grilled vegetables |
And since we were very satisfied with the main dish, we decided to order desserts to see if they make those just as good. My friend, who is a big fan of crepes, chose Tiramisu crepe (285 rsd), and I ordered Dark and white chocolate mousse (265 rsd). When they served us desserts, the crepe left the same impression on both of us - WOW - really originally served and prepared. And what's most important, the taste of the crepe was also WOW. Mousse was ok, but not really for a high score. You could see someone’s effort to make it good, but, it just wasn’t enough.
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Tiramisu crepe |
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Dark and white chocolate mousse |
If you are a fan of sitting by the river in the afternoon, you’ll definitely like Godo. You’ll surely find something that suits your taste in their rich menu and drink list, just like we did.
Love, Nada Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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