Odavno je poznato da su članovi Gastro policije ljubitelji Vojvodine, pa ćemo vam preneti utiske iz još jednog restorana ove regije. Danas vam prepričavamo novobečejske avanture iz Čarde na Tisi.
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Kada me je drugarica pitala da idemo na Velikogospojinske dane u Novi Bečej, koji se održavaju svake godine krajem avgusta, prihvatila sam voljno, ali iskrena da budem, nisam očekivala toliko pozitivnih utisaka. Ovaj grad u tim danima bukvalno živne i slobodno mogu da kažem da se po atmosferi ništa ne razlikuje od Beograda - gomila ljudi, svirke po ceo dan, uveče koncerti, moj neki utisak je kao da sam bila na Beer fest-u.
Sve to zvuči sjajno, ali bez dobre hrane sve to ne bi imalo toliko smisla. Po preporuci poznanika Novobečejaca, otišli smo na ručak u Čardu na Tisi.
Imali smo sreće da smo uopšte našli mesto, jer je bilo prepuno. Prijatna bašta, restoran u vojvođanskom stilu, drveni stolovi i klupe.
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Čarda na Tisi - bašta |
Meni je nacionalnog karaktera, sa pretežnom ponudom roštilja. Nismo se mnogo dvoumile i naručile smo Pileću ragu čorbu, Porciju od 10 ćevapa sa pomfritom i Šopsku salatu. Pre nego što napišem o hrani, osvrnula bih se malo na uslugu. Pored toga što smo dugo čekale da budemo uslužene (što, donekle, jeste razumljivo, s obzirom na gužvu), ne mogu da kažem da sam zadovoljna kako se ophode prema gostima. Kad nam je konobar doneo escajg i tanjire bili su mokri. Razumem da su prezauzeti, ali mislim da nikako nije u redu da dobijamo mokro posuđe. Na stolnjaku su bile mrve od prethodnih gostiju, a bio je i na nekoliko mesta pocepan, opušcima od cigareta.
Što se tiče hrane, tu su utisci veoma dobri. Pileća čorba je jedna od boljih koju sam jela i svakom bih je preporučila. Ćevapi su isto zadovoljili naša očekivanja i smatram da su jedni od boljih koje sam jela.
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Pileća ragu čorba |
Cene su kao i u većini restorana u Beogradu, osrednje.
Ako volite Vojvodinu i ako budete u prilici, posetite Novi Bečej u vreme Velikogospojinskih dana, nećete se razočarati, verovatno ćete u nekom trenutku posetiti i Čardu na Tisi, pa nam prenesite svoje utiske.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
It has long been known that the members of Gastro Police like Vojvodina a lot, so here are the impressions from another restaurant in this region. Today we are recalling the adventures from Čarda na Tisi, Novi Bečej.
When a friend of mine asked me to go to the Dormition Days, held yearly in Novi Bečej at the end of August, I accepted it willingly, but honestly, I did not expect to have so many positive impressions. This city literally livens up during those days and I can freely say that the atmosphere is no different than in Belgrade -a bunch of people, gigs all day long, evening concerts, I felt like I was at Beer Fest.
All of that sounds great, but without good food it would not make much sense. On the recommendation of our friends from Novi Bečej, we had lunch at the Čarda na Tisi.
We were fortunate to even find a table, because it was full. Pleasant garden, the restaurant in Vojvodina style, wooden tables and benches.
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Čarda na Tisi - garden |
The menu is of a national character, the offer consists mostly of grilled dishes. It didn’t take us long to decide, we ordered Chicken ragout soup, a portion of 10 kebabs with French fries and Shopska salad. Before I write about food, a few words about the service. Beside the fact that we waited for a long time to be served (which, to some extent, is understandable, since it was crowded), I can’t say that I am satisfied with the way they treat their guests. When the waiter brought us cutlery and plates, they were wet. I understand that they are too busy, but I don’t think it's okay to get wet dishes. There were crumbs on the tablecloth from the previous guests, and there were also a few cigarette burns holes on it.
As far as food is concerned, our impressions are very good. Chicken soup is one of the better ones I've eaten and I would recommend it to anyone. Kebabs have satisfied our expectations as well, and I can say that they are also among the better ones I have eaten.
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Chicken ragout soup |
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Kebabs |
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Shopska salad |
Prices are the same as in most restaurants in Belgrade, average.
If you like Vojvodina and if you have a chance, visit Novi Bečej at the time of the Dormition Days, you won’t be disappointed, you’ll probably visit Čarda na Tisi at some point as well, so share your impressions with us.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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