Otkad se otvorio Wurst platz bar u mom kraju (u Starom gradu) redovna sam im gošća. Wurst platz je i kafić, i restoran, i bar, i klub, ma sve u jednom. Od 2015. je mnogo napredovao i dalje teži da bude još bolji. Pre neko veče sam otišla tamo na pivce sa drugaricom, ali to pivce se pretvorilo u večeru, večera se pretvorila u noćni izlazak, a sve to se odigralo na jednom mestu - Wurst platz baru.
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Wurst platz bar - eksterijer |
Wurst platz bar nalazi se na mestu bivšeg, čuvenog Sport kafea. Prvo ulazite u baštu gde dominiraju drvene stolice i drveni stolovi sa staklom. Pravi uvod u ono što vas čeka kad uđete unutra. Enterijer Wurst platz bara je jednom rečju - Beč usred centra Beograda. Sastoji se iz jednog centralnog dela i jednog kako ga ja zovem sporednog. Stolovi u obliku drvenih burića sa staklom su pun pogodak. Daju dozu opuštenosti, a opet i dozu otmenosti. Tople natural boje dominiraju tako da se osećate nekako ušuškano unutra i prosto ne želite da izađete. Pošto smo se odlučile da petak veče provedemo tamo, na ulazu nas je dočekala hostesa koja je bila izuzetno prijatna (takve se sad retko sreću) i smestila nas za sto u ćošku.
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Wurst platz bar - enterijer |
Što se tiče menija prvo da se bacimo na piće. Naravno Wurst platz je primarno pab tako da ovde možete da birate da li želite pivo iz Belgije, Francuske, Amerike.. ma koje god da vam padne pivo na pamet ima ga ovde, i svakog meseca se još više dopunjava meni sa novim vrstama piva. Tu su i kokteli od kojih mi je definitivno omiljeni Mai Tai (pohvale šankeru koji ih sprema). E sad da se bacimo na klopu. Wurst platz bar ima standardni meni sa dosta vrsta austrijskih kobasica, tu su krilca, rebarca.. jednom rečju sve što se dobro slaže sa hladnim pivom. Pored standardnog menija tu je i dnevni meni gde sa 300-400 rsd možete da uživate u domaćoj kuhinji kao kod bake. Što se nas tiče nakon Grimbergena i Paulanera moj izbor je pao na Obrok sa dimljenim kobasicama, a drugarica je naručila Cezar salatu (razumite je, na dijeti je). Jesam li pomenula da je konobar bio super prijatan, mada ga je zbog velike gužve bilo malo teže dozvati.. Ali nema veze. Kada je klopa stigla bila sam oduševljena kako je sve aranžirano.Uz kobasicu je serviran pomfrit, senf, kiseli krastavčići i pohovani kolutići paprike. Apelovala bih ovom prilikom da ubace u obrok kečap (jer kako pomfrit bez kečapa) i kolutiće luka (nije velika investicija, a prija nepcima uz kobasice). Cezar salata je takođe bila lepo servirana sa cezar dresingom serviranim u mini teglici (preslatko).
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Obrok sa dimljenom kobasicom |
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Negde oko 22h počela je i živa svirka. Izbor pesama pravi pabski sa primesama komercijale. Jednom rečju fantastičan užitak za sva čula.
Što se tiče cena klopa je zaista jeftina, cene pića su malo više, ali mora da se održi neki balans. Ranije su tokom svirki cene bile više za 20 %, ali izgleda da to više ne praktikuju što je super za moj džep. Preko dana imate akcije kada možete da dobijete popust 15 %.
Atmosfera u Wurstu je vesela, neuštogljena, opijajuća. Jednostavno ne možete da se ne zaljubite u ovo mesto. Ja mu se redovno vraćam i uvek ga toplo preporučujem svim svojim prijateljima, a ovom prilikom i vama. Ukoliko volite pivo, a prerasli ste KST, kornjače i lokalne irish pabove ovo je pravo mesto za vas.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Since the Wurst Platz bar opened in my neighborhood (in Stari grad
Municipality) I became their regular guest. Wurst Platz is a cafe, a restaurant
and bar, and the club, everything in one. Since 2015 it has improved a lot and
still tends to be even better. The other night I went there for a beer with a
friend, but that beer turned into dinner, the evening turned into a night out,
and it all happened in one place - Wurst Platz bar.
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Wurst platz bar - exterior |
Wurst Platz bar is located on the site of the former, famous Sport cafe. First you enter the garden which is dominated by wooden chairs and wooden glass tables. The real introduction to what awaits you when you enter inside. Interior of the Wurst Platz bar is in one word – Vienna, in the middle of the city center. It consists of a central part and one that I call secondary. Tables in the form of wooden barrels with glass tops are absolute spot on. They give a dose of relaxation, yet a dose of class. Warm natural colors dominate so you feel somehow tucked in and you just don’t want to leave. Since we decided to spend our Friday night there, at the entrance we were greeted by the hostess who was very pleasant (these are now rarely seen) and placed us at the table in the corner.
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Wurst platz bar - interior |
As for the menu, first let's look at drinks. Of course Wurst Platz
is primarily a pub so here you can choose whether you want a beer from Belgium,
France, America.. whatever beer you can think of, they have it, and every month
they further complement the menu with new types of beer. There are also
cocktails of which my favorite definitely is Mai Tai (well done bartender!).
Now let's get something to eat. Wurst Platz bar has a standard menu with many
kinds of Austrian sausages, there are chicken wings, ribs .. in a word,
everything that goes well with a cold beer. In addition to the standard menu
there is a daily menu, where for 300-400 rsd you can enjoy homemade meals, like
at your grandma’s. As for us, after Grimbergen and Paulaner my choice is the
meal with smoked sausage, a friend had ordered Caesar salad (understand it, she’s
on a diet). Did I mention that the waiter was super friendly, although due to
the large crowd it was a bit hard to get a hold of him .. But it does not
matter. When the food arrived I was amazed how everything was arranged.With a
sausage you get French fries, mustard, pickles and fried bell peppers rings. I
would use this opportunity to tell them that it would be nice if they serve
some ketchup along the meal (how can you it French fries without ketchup) and
onion rings (not a big investment, but it would please the palate along with
sausages). Caesar salad was also nicely served with Caesar dressing served in a
mini jar (too cute).
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Smoked sausage meal |
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Caesar salad |
Around 22h live gig began. The songs selection fits a pub atmosphere,
with a hint of commercial music. In a word, fantastic treat for all your
Price ratio- food is really cheap, drink prices are a little
higher, but there has to be some balance. Earlier, during gigs prices were
higher by 20%, but it seems that this is no longer practiced, which is great
for my wallet. During the day, you get a 15% discount.
The atmosphere in the Wurst bar is live, not stiff, intoxicating.
You simply can’t help falling in love with this place. I'm going back to it
regularly and always highly recommend to all my friends, and with this
opportunity to you. If you like beer, you have outgrown KST club, Turtle pub and
local irish pubs this is the right place for you.
Love, Gastro police !!
Predivno mesto posetila sam ga, zaista ste u pravu!
ОдговориИзбришиPoslusao sam vas predlog,obisao mesto i zaista uzivao u onome sto ovaj lokal nudi.Gledao sam fudbal sa drustvom i sad se spremam da odem na neku od svirki koje se organizuju u ovom izvanrednom mestu...sve preporuke!!!
ОдговориИзбришиNajbolje mesto u gradu!
ОдговориИзбришиOdlično mesto sve preporuke !
ОдговориИзбришиPreporuka za ovo mesto!