Dobar blog, kao i svako pisanje, mora da ispuni prvi i osnovni kriterijum - objektivnost. Autor nikako ne sme da bude subjektivan i da nameće svoje stavove, već čitaocima mora da pruži realnu sliku onoga o čemu piše, koliko god da mu se nešto sviđa ili ne sviđa. Međutim, kad je reč o Voulez-vous-u, između objektivnog i subjektivnog stoji znak jednakosti.
Da me pitate koji je najbolji restoran u Beogradu, iskrena da budem, ne bih znala odmah da odgovorim, ali da me sada, u ovom trenutku to pitate, odgovor bi definitivno bio Voulez-vous. Pa, da počnemo!
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Restoran "Voulez-vous" - enterijer |
Za Voules-vouz mogu reći da je to bila ljubav na prvi pogled. Ušuškan na Vračaru, u ulici Đorđa Vajferta, ovaj restoran već osvaja svojom lokacijom, tj. okruženjem. Prvo što me je oduševilo je prostrana bašta, koja je leti zaista idealna za bleju, bilo da hoćete da dođete na jutarnju kaficu, osveženje posle posla, ili na obrok, pod strehom suncobrana, uživaćete u hladovini ovog prelepog ambijenta. Enterijer ništa ne zaostaje za eksterijerom. Moderan dizajn, uređeno sa dosta ukusa, sve se nalazi u jednom nivou. Kad uđete, pogled vam prvo pada na veliki šank koji se nalazi na kraju restorana iza kog se nalazi veliki broj uredno složenih, raznovrsnih pića.Od šanka, pa duž celog prostora, nalaze se drveni stolovi sa naizmenično, stolicama i foteljama, kao i visoko sedenje. Prosek godina gostiju je uglavnom između 25-35. U skladu sa prelepo uređenim restoranom je i osoblje. Preljubazni, nasmejani konobari koji u svemu hoće da vam izađu u susret.
Nakon što smo se smestile za sto u ćošku, naše omiljeno mesto, kako bismo imale pregled svega, pogledale smo meni koji je i više nego raznovrstan, internacionalnog karaktera. Ovde je, takođe, super stvar, što se meni menja na mesečnom nivou, tako da se razbija monotonija, a neka posebno super jela su u stalnoj ponudi. Posle malo dužeg razmišljanja ja sam se odlučila za biftek holandez, a drugarica za teletinu cancun na ratatouille povrću (taljata od telećeg šola, lingvini u kremastom sosu sa
paprikom i bosiljkom, salata od krastavca i maslina, miks zelenih salata
sa šargarepom i radičem). Mogu slobodno da kažem da je ovo jedno od jela u kom sam u životu najviše uživala. Biftek 4h pečen na 60°, kao na suncu, što se kaže, harmonija ukusa kakvu sam retko gde mogla da osetim. Lično više volim krvav biftek, prepečen spolja, ali za ovaj sam se namerno odlučila, za promenu i nisam se ni u jednom trenutku pokajala. Mladi krompirići su svakako doprineli da jelo ima poseban šmek, a pečena jabuka, na kojoj je bio serviran biftek je definitivno dala jednu notu koja stvara perfektnu melodiju ukusa. Utisci moje drugarice su takođe bili i više nego pozitivni, a kokteli koje smo pijuckale celo veče su bili ono što je celu kompoziciju večeri dovelo do vrhunca užitka. Trebalo bi još da spomenem da se ovde hleb ne naplaćuje, dobija se besplatno uz svako jelo. Probale smo ga, naravno i utisak nije ništa manji u odnosu na ostatak hrane - ukusan, svež, mekan, položili su kod nas sa najvišim ocenama.
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Biftek "Holandez" |
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Teletina "Cancun" na ratatouille povrću |
Da se vratim malo na osoblje. Pored već pomenutih preljubaznih konobara, menadžer je isto zaslužio sve pohvale, tokom večeri je išao od stola do stola i pitao goste da li su zadovoljni. Bravo, to su te sitnice koje čine da se nalazite među najboljima.
Ono što me je, takođe, prijatno iznenadilo je to što kad sam otišla do toaleta zatekla sam nešto što se u Beogradu zaista retko viđa - ispred toaleta stoji higijeničarka koja sve vreme održava higijenu, odmah nakon što gost izađe ona uđe da pospremi. Njoj takođe veliki plus za ljubaznost. To je karakteristika svih poznatih svetskih restorana, pa moramo i ovde da pohvalimo menadžment koji na sve misli.
Cene su sasvim korektne, a s obzirom na ono što dobijate, zaista je vredno da posetite ovo mesto.
Za kraj mogu da kažem samo to da ko želi da se bavi ugostiteljstvom, neka samo jednom poseti Voulez-vous i mnogo toga će naučiti. Želim im sve najbolje u daljem radu i ne sumnjam da će održati nivo koji imaju, a možda i unaprediti, ako je to ikako moguće.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Good blog, as well as any writing, firstly must meet the basic
criteria - objectivity. The author can not be subjective and to impose their
views, but he has to provide to readers a realistic picture of what he writes,
as much as he likes it or not. However, when it comes to Voulez-vous, between
the objective and subjective stands the sign of
If you asked me which is the best restaurant in Belgrade, to be
honest, I wouldn’t know what to say right away, but to me now, at
this moment, the answer would definitely be Voulez-vous. Well, let's start!
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Restaurant "Voulez-vous" - interior |
Voules-vouz, I
can say that it was love at first sight. Tucked in Vracar Municipality, in
Djordja Vajferta Street, this restaurant already overwhelmes by its location,
ie. environment. The first thing that impressed me was the spacious garden,
which is really ideal for chilling, whether you want to get a morning coffee,
refreshments after work, or a meal, under the eaves of the umbrellas, you'll
enjoy the shade of this beautiful environment. Interior is nothing inferior to
the exterior. Modern design, equipped with a lot of taste, all located in one level.
When you enter, first thing you see is a large bar located in the back of a
restaurant, behind which there is a large number of stacked, various drinks .From
the bar, along the entire area, there are wooden tables with alternating,
chairs and armchairs, as well as high seating. The average age of guests is
usually between 25-35. In accordance, with beautifully decorated restaurant, is
the staff. Too kind, smiling waiters who want to please you for everything you
ask for.
After we settled in the corner table, our favorite place, so that we have an
overview of everything, we looked at a menu that is more than diverse and of
international character. There is a great thing in this restaurant: the menu changes on a monthly basis, so that
it breaks the monotony and some super special dishes are constantly offered.
After some long thinking I decided for a steak Hollandaise, and my friend ordered
Veal cancun on ratatouille vegetables (veal medallions tagliata, linguini in a
creamy sauce with bell peppers and basil, cucumber and olives salad, mixed green salad
with carrots and chicory). I can freely say that this is one of the dishes in
which I enjoyed the most in my life. Steak 4h baked at 60 ° as in the sun, as
they say, a harmony of taste what I've rarely been able to feel. I prefer a
bloody steak, well done on the outside, but I deliberately decided to change
that for this and I did not regret for a moment. Young potatoes have certainly
contributed to the dish to have a special charm, a baked apple, on which the
steak was served definitely gave a single note that creates a melody of perfect
taste . My friend’s impressions have also been more than positive, and the
cocktails we sipped all evening were leading to the climax of pleasure of the
whole evening composition. I should further mention that in this restaurant
they do not charge for the bread, it is included with every meal for free. We
tried it, and of course the impression is nothing less than the rest of the
food - delicious, fresh, soft, they passed the test with highest score.
To go back a little on the staff. Besides the already mentioned polite
waiters, the manager also deserves all the praise, during the evening he went
from table to table and asked guests if they were satisfied. Bravo, it's the
little things like that that make this restaurant be among the best ones.
What I was also pleasantly surprised with is that when I went to
the bathroom I found something that in Belgrade is really rarely seen - in
front of the toilets stands who maintains hygiene at all times, as soon as the
guest leaves the bathroom, it gets cleaned. She also gets a big plus for
kindness. This is characteristic of all the world famous restaurant, so we have
to praise the management that thinks about everything.
Prices are moderate, but considering what you get, it really is
worth it to visit this place.
Bottom line, whoever wants to be in catering industry, should visit
Voulez-vous only once and will learn a lot. I wish them all the best in their
future work and I have no doubt that they will maintain the level they have,
and perhaps improve, if that is possible at all.
Vrhunski restoran, od hrane do usluge, sve je na visokom nivou. Rado ću se vratiti.
ОдговориИзбришиMesto kom se uvek rado vracam, najbolja hrana i usluga u gradu!