Lepo vreme navelo nas je na ponovnu posetu Novom Sadu. Beograd u malom, kako ja volim da ga zovem, Novi Sad pruža dosta kada je reč o gastro sceni. Ovog puta odlučile smo se za obrok u jednom od poznatijih novosadskih lokala - Gondoli.
Gondola |
Gondola se nalazi u samom centru Novog Sada, u Bulevaru Mihajla Pupina, i vodi se kao Caffe Pizzeria. Međutim sam enterijer zbog svog otmenog looka više podseća na neki bistro ili hotelski restoran. Cigla, staklo i kožne fotelje su ono po čemu su prepoznatljivi.
Oko podneva iako je lokal bio poluprazan jedva smo našle slobodan sto, pošto je većina bila rezervisana. Ovaj restoran osim što nudi veliki izbor pizza, ima i ponudu za doručak, a osim toga tu je i veliki izbor pasti, salati, burgera, stekova. Izdvojila bih i to da imaju vegetarijanski meni, kao i latino meni, a četvrtkom možete da uživate u specijalitetima azijske kuhinje ukoliko posetite ovaj restoran. Takoreći ovaj restoran je mnogo više od pizzerije. Što se tiče cena uopšte ne odskaču od ostatka novosadskih restorana, iako bi vam se na prvi pogled na lokal učinilo da su papreno skupi.
Nakon podužeg razmišljanja odlučile smo se za Salatu sa lososom (RSD 743), Pastu Vesuviana (RSD 614) i Njoke sa pršutom (RSD 780). Salata sa lososom bila je servirana sa mnoštvo svežeg povrća, suncokretom i sokom od limete i pravo je osveženje za tople dane. Pasta Vesuviana i Njoke sa pršutom bile su preukusne, savršeno začinjene i nije se nimalo štedelo na pančeti i pršuti što se za mnoge restorane ne bi moglo reći. Definitivno odličan odnos cene i kvaliteta. Osim što je hrana bila ukusna i prijatna za nepca, takođe je i sve bilo lepo servirano, što je veoma bitno, barem meni.
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Pasta Vesuviana |
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Njoke sa pršutom |
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Salata sa lososom |
Osoblje je veoma prijatno i neuštogljeno. A kada su gosti u pitanju ovde možete za jednim stolom da vidite tinejdžerke koje opaljuju selfije, a za drugim stolom starije, poslovne ljude sa tompusima i vinom. Tako da nema pravila, kada je ciljna grupa u pitanju.
Sve u svemu, Gondola je jedan sasvim prijatan lokal sa ogromnim i svakako originalnim izborom jela. Od mene imaju sve preporuke, a vi ukoliko vam se Venecija čini dalekom, svratite do Novog Sada i "provozajte se" u Gondoli.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Nice weather led us to a new visit to Novi Sad. Novi Sad, or mini Belgrade, as I like to call it, has a lot to offer when it comes to the gastro scene. This time we decided to have lunch in one of the famous Novi Sad restaurants – Gondola.
Gondola is located in the center of Novi Sad, on Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard, and it’s actually a Caffe Pizzeria. However, because of its classy interior, it reminds me more of a bistro or a hotel restaurant. Brick walls, glass and leather armchairs are what they are recognized for.
Around the afternoon, although the place was half-empty, we barely managed to find a free table, as most were reserved. This restaurant, besides offering a large selection of pizzas, has a breakfast offer, and besides those, there is also a large selection of pastas, salads, burgers, steaks. I would also like to point that they have a vegetarian menu, as well as a Latino menu, and on Thursday you can enjoy specialties of Asian cuisine, if you visit this restaurant. This restaurant is much more than a pizzeria, so to speak. As for prices, they are very similar to the ones in the rest of Novi Sad's restaurants, although at first glance you might expect this place to be very expensive.
After some thinking, we decided to order the Salmon salad (RSD 743), Pasta Vesuviana (RSD 614) and Gnocchi with prosciutto (RSD 780). Salmon salad was served with lots of fresh vegetables, sunflower seeds and lime juice, and it was really refreshing. Pasta Vesuviana and Gnocchi with prosciutto were delicious, seasoned perfectly and with lots of pancetta and prosciutto, which isn’t the case in many restaurants. Definitely an excellent price / quality ratio. Except that the food was tasty and pleasant to the palate, it was nicely served as well, which is very important, at least to me.
The staff is very polite and far from uptight. Here, when it comes to the guests, at one table you can find teens taking selfies, and at another older, business people smoking cigars while drinking wine. No rules when the target group is in question.
All in all, the Gondola is a very pleasant restaurant with a huge and definitely original dish selection. I give them all the recommendations, and if you think Venice is too far for you to visit, stop by Novi Sad and "take a ride" in Gondola instead.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
Nice weather led us to a new visit to Novi Sad. Novi Sad, or mini Belgrade, as I like to call it, has a lot to offer when it comes to the gastro scene. This time we decided to have lunch in one of the famous Novi Sad restaurants – Gondola.
Gondola |
Around the afternoon, although the place was half-empty, we barely managed to find a free table, as most were reserved. This restaurant, besides offering a large selection of pizzas, has a breakfast offer, and besides those, there is also a large selection of pastas, salads, burgers, steaks. I would also like to point that they have a vegetarian menu, as well as a Latino menu, and on Thursday you can enjoy specialties of Asian cuisine, if you visit this restaurant. This restaurant is much more than a pizzeria, so to speak. As for prices, they are very similar to the ones in the rest of Novi Sad's restaurants, although at first glance you might expect this place to be very expensive.
After some thinking, we decided to order the Salmon salad (RSD 743), Pasta Vesuviana (RSD 614) and Gnocchi with prosciutto (RSD 780). Salmon salad was served with lots of fresh vegetables, sunflower seeds and lime juice, and it was really refreshing. Pasta Vesuviana and Gnocchi with prosciutto were delicious, seasoned perfectly and with lots of pancetta and prosciutto, which isn’t the case in many restaurants. Definitely an excellent price / quality ratio. Except that the food was tasty and pleasant to the palate, it was nicely served as well, which is very important, at least to me.
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Pasta Vesuviana |
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Gnocchi with prosciutto |
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Salmon salad |
All in all, the Gondola is a very pleasant restaurant with a huge and definitely original dish selection. I give them all the recommendations, and if you think Venice is too far for you to visit, stop by Novi Sad and "take a ride" in Gondola instead.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.