Ušuškan, a opet u centru zbivanja, nedaleko od Trga republike, nalazi se pravi mali raj za obožavaoce internacionalnih ukusa. Osim što se nalazi na ovoj lokaciji, ovaj restoran našao je svoje mesto pod suncem i po tržnim centrima, međutim pošto nisam fan ručka na mestima koja vrve od kupoholičarki, ja sam rešila da ga posetim isključivo na lokaciji u gradu, u Čika Ljubinoj ulici. Verovatno ste već pogodili - u pitanju je restoran Monument.
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Monument |
Ovaj restoran je modernog enterijera, sa vrlo prijatnom baštom leti, s obzirom na lokaciju. Doduše, pošto zima još uvek uveliko traje, baštu smo zaobišle, te smo se smestile na gornjem spratu ovog restorana.
Jelovnik je zaista čaroban. Jedan od onih gde ne možete lako da se odlučite šta da naručite. Sviđa mi se što je sistematičan i uredan, a veliko iznenađenje za mene bile su i fotografije pored svakog jela u meniju, tako da nema iznenađenja kako će vam jelo biti servirano i šta ćete dobiti na tanjiru. Predjela, homemade paste, mezetluci, jela iz tiganja, jela ispod sača, riba, stekovi, roštilj.. ma apsolutno svako će pronaći nešto za sebe iz ovog genijalnog jelovnika. Mi smo ovog puta bile u biftek raspoloženju te smo se odlučile za Beef burger (RSD 650) i Biftek salatu na fokači (RSD 750). Beef burger bio je sa mix salatom, čedar sirom, kiselim krastavcima, slaninom i fenomenalnim džemom od luka, i spada u top 3 burgera koja sam imala priliku da jedem. Karamelizovani luk mu je dao jedinstveni ukus koji se teško zaboravlja. Burger je bio serviran sa prženim krompirom sa tankom koricom (sve pohvale za restorane koji ne koriste smrznuti pomfrit) i sosom od paradajza. Salata servirana na fokači bila je pravo malo otkrovenje za nas. Iskreno ne bi mi nikad palo na pamet da ovako spremim salatu sa biftekom, ali moram da priznam da je ova ideja pun pogodak. Fokača je bila preukusna, goveđi file sočan, a dresing, paradajz i parmezan dali su dozu svežine koju svaka salata treba da ponese. Apsolutno fantastično!
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Beef salata na fokači |
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Beef burger |
Nakon ova dva jela, postalo mi je jasnije zašto je Monument uvek prepun što mlađih što starijih, što turista. Za sasvim pristojnu sumu novca, možete da dobijete preukusan obrok koji će vas itekako zasititi i u kojem ćete sto posto uživati svim čulima.
Osim što su jela sjajna, i sama usluga je bila korektna. Fini konobari, na nivou svog zadatka bili su uslužni i brzi.
Međutim, moram da priznam da mi je bilo žao što nisam još nešto probala, ali zasiurno ću se opet vratiti da testiram svoja čula ovde. A dok opet ne budem našla vremena za posetu ovom restoranu, uvek je tu telefon na koji možete da poručite sve što vam se svidi sa menija Monumenta, jer na moju veliku radost (a možda i na vašu uskoro) rade i kućnu dostavu. Pa ko kako voli da uživa u hrani, nek izvoli.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Tucked away and yet again in the center of happenings, not far from the Republic Square, there is a real small paradise for international tastes fans. Apart from this location, this restaurant has also found its place in the sun in the shopping centers, but since I'm not a fan of having lunch at places swarmed with shopaholics, I decided to visit the one in the city center, in Čika Ljubina Street. You probably already guessed - it's the restaurant Monument.
This restaurant has a modern interior and, considering its location, a very pleasant garden during summer. However, since winter is still here, we skipped the garden, so we settled on the top floor of this restaurant.
The menu is truly magical. One of those where you can’t easily decide what to order. I like the fact that it’s systematic and tidy, and a great surprise to me were the photos of each dish, so there is no surprise about the way of serving or what you will get on the plate. Appetizers, homemade pastas, snacks, one-pot dishes, roasted dishes under the bell, fish, steaks, BBQ ... absolutely everyone will find something to their taste from this genial menu. This time, we were in a mood for some steak, so we decided for Beef burger (RSD 650) and Focaccia beefsteak salad (RSD 750). The Beef burger was made with a salad mix, cheddar cheese, pickles, bacon and a phenomenal caramelized onion jam, and it placed itself in the top 3 burgers I had a chance to eat. That caramelized onion gave it a unique taste that is hard to forget. The burger was served with fried potatoes with skin (all praise for the restaurants that don’t serve frozen French fries) and tomato sauce. The salad served on focaccia was a revelation to us. Honestly, I never would’ve thought to make a steak salad this way, but I have to admit that the idea is brilliant. The focaccia was delicious, the steak was juicy, and the dressing, tomatoes and Parmesan cheese gave it that dose of freshness that each salad should have. Absolutely fantastic!
After these two dishes, it became clear to me why the Monument is always packed, both with younger guests and the elderly, as well as with tourists. For a very decent amount of money, you can get a delicious meal that you will surely enjoy to the fullest.
Besides the dishes, the service itself was great, too. Polite waiters were helpful and quick, up to the task.
However, I must admit that I regret not trying anything else, but I will surely come back to test my senses again. And until I find the time to revisit this restaurant, I can just pick up the phone and order anything from the Monument menu, because, to my great joy (and perhaps yours, soon), home delivery is also available. I leave it up to you to decide how to try something from their menu.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
Tucked away and yet again in the center of happenings, not far from the Republic Square, there is a real small paradise for international tastes fans. Apart from this location, this restaurant has also found its place in the sun in the shopping centers, but since I'm not a fan of having lunch at places swarmed with shopaholics, I decided to visit the one in the city center, in Čika Ljubina Street. You probably already guessed - it's the restaurant Monument.
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Monument |
The menu is truly magical. One of those where you can’t easily decide what to order. I like the fact that it’s systematic and tidy, and a great surprise to me were the photos of each dish, so there is no surprise about the way of serving or what you will get on the plate. Appetizers, homemade pastas, snacks, one-pot dishes, roasted dishes under the bell, fish, steaks, BBQ ... absolutely everyone will find something to their taste from this genial menu. This time, we were in a mood for some steak, so we decided for Beef burger (RSD 650) and Focaccia beefsteak salad (RSD 750). The Beef burger was made with a salad mix, cheddar cheese, pickles, bacon and a phenomenal caramelized onion jam, and it placed itself in the top 3 burgers I had a chance to eat. That caramelized onion gave it a unique taste that is hard to forget. The burger was served with fried potatoes with skin (all praise for the restaurants that don’t serve frozen French fries) and tomato sauce. The salad served on focaccia was a revelation to us. Honestly, I never would’ve thought to make a steak salad this way, but I have to admit that the idea is brilliant. The focaccia was delicious, the steak was juicy, and the dressing, tomatoes and Parmesan cheese gave it that dose of freshness that each salad should have. Absolutely fantastic!
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Focaccia beefsteak salad |
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Beef burger |
After these two dishes, it became clear to me why the Monument is always packed, both with younger guests and the elderly, as well as with tourists. For a very decent amount of money, you can get a delicious meal that you will surely enjoy to the fullest.
Besides the dishes, the service itself was great, too. Polite waiters were helpful and quick, up to the task.
However, I must admit that I regret not trying anything else, but I will surely come back to test my senses again. And until I find the time to revisit this restaurant, I can just pick up the phone and order anything from the Monument menu, because, to my great joy (and perhaps yours, soon), home delivery is also available. I leave it up to you to decide how to try something from their menu.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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