Gastro policija je odlučila da prve tople, sunčane dane provede u lepoj bašti nekog beogradskog restorana. Vođena lokalpatriotizmom svoje najbolje drugarice, odlučila sam da to bude Id, tj. Vračar.
Ovo je mesto koje smo odavno planirale da posetimo, ali igrom slučaja je tek sad došlo na red. Posebno mi je bio intrigantan jer je inspirisan Frojdom, a ja sam ljubitelj psihijatrije.
Naziv ovog restorana je pun pogodak! Id je deo ličnosti u kome su smešteni nagoni i predstavlja izvor energije za ceo psihički sistem. Odlučile smo da proverimo mogu li ovde da se zadovolje čovekove bazične potrebe.
Smešten u Karađorđevom parku, sa prelepim pogledom iz bašte i veselog, šarenog enterijera, sa slikom čuvenog Frojda i mnogo zanimljivih detalja, Id osvaja već na prvi pogled. Sklop boja i moderan enterijer čini da se osećate lepo i prijatno.
Id - enterijer |
Jelovnik je bogat, raznovrstan, ali pre svega originalan! Skoro svako jelo nosi naziv nekog psihijatrijskog termina ili bolesti, stoga od mene sve čestitke za kreativnost. Dok smo razmišljale o glavnom jelu, drugarica je odlučila da proba paradajz čorbicu, koja se ovde zove Moja (300 rsd). Kad je probala, volela bih da mogu da upotrebim neki drugi izraz umesto tog da je bila oduševljena. Rekla je da je to najbolja paradajz čorba koju je probala, savršen spoj parmezana i krutona bio je praznik za njena nepca.
Moja čorba |
Pre čorbe nam je bio poslužen Kuver (110 rsd po osobi), kog su činili sveži hlepčići sa namazom od pavlake i pesto sosa. Odlična uvertira za ono što je sledilo.
Kuver |
Nije nimalo bilo lako izabrati glavno jelo, jer je jelovnik internacionalan, sa kombinacijama domaćih specijaliteta. Posle više premišljanja, odlučile smo se za Insomnia-u (1850 rsd) i za Njoke sa tartufima (990 rsd). Insomnia je bila moj izbor, jer se sastoji od bifteka, dimljenog sira i hrskavog krompira. Kad sam probala biftek, znala sam da sam donela pravu odluku. Bio je odlično pečen, dominantno krvav, a prilozi su samo pojačavali uživanje. Njoke su se, osim od tartufa, sastojale i od neutralne pavlake, brie sira i praziluka. Drugarica je pojela celu svoju porciju, što se retko dešava, a po ukusu bi rekla da su, kao i čorba, homemade.
Insomnia |
Njoke sa tartufima |
Bez obzira što su porcije bile i velike i ukusne, zanimalo nas je da li su im i deserti takvi. Za to nam nije dugo trebalo da se odlučimo, izbor moje drugarice pao je na Id kolač (490 rsd), a moj na Cheesecake (490 rsd). Za oba kolača mogu da kažem isto, a to je da ni u jednom restoranu nismo jele desert sa svežijim sastojcima! Id, koji je čokoladni kolač, bio je topao, sa prosecco kremom, prosto se topio u ustima. Moj Cheesecake je bio preukusan, lepo serviran, sa svežim višnjama.
Id |
Cheesecake |
Naš Id je ovog puta bio i više nego zadovoljen! Puna bašta tog dana govorila je u prilog tome da i drugi ljudi, svih generacija dele naše mišljenje. Cene su malo više, ali kad uzmemo u obzir lokaciju, prostor i hranu, skroz su opravdane. Usluga je bila sjajna, vedri, nasmejani i hitri konobari.
Ako vašim idom zavlada nagon za žeđu i glađu, ne razmišljajte, već se uputite u ovaj restoran, mi ćemo im sigurno biti česti gosti.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Gastro police decided to spend these first sunny days in a beautiful garden of some Belgrade restaurant. Guided by the local patriotism of my best friend, I chose th restaurant Id, at Vračar.
This is the restaurant that we had planned to visit for a long time, but, by chance, only now have we found the time to do so. It was especially intriguing because it’s inspired by Freud, and I am a big fan of psychiatry.
The name of this restaurant is really the cat’s whiskers! Id is a part of the personality structure, it is the source of impulses and energy for the entire psychic system. We decided to check if we can fulfill basic human needs here.
Located in Karadjordje’s Park, with a beautiful view from the garden and a cheerful, colorful interior, with the photo of the famous Freud and many other interesting details, the Id wins you over at a first sight. The color combination and the modern interior make you feel nice and cozy.
Id - interior |
The menu is diverse, but above all, original! Almost every dish carries the name of a psychiatric term or illness, therefore I congratulate them for creativity. While deciding on the main course, my friend decided to try the tomato soup, here called Mine (300 rsd). When she tasted it, I wish I could use another word instead of her being impressed. She said that it was the best tomato soup she tried, the perfect combination of Parmesan cheese and croutons was a feast for her palate.
Mine soup |
Before the soup we were served with their Cover charge (110 rsd per person), it consists of fresh bread with a cream spread and pesto sauce. Excellent overture for the following.
Cover charge |
It wasn’t easy to choose the main course, because the menu is international with a combination of some local specialties. After some thinking, we decided for Insomnia (1850 rsd) and Truffled gnocchi (990 rsd). Insomnia was my choice because it consists of steak, smoked cheese and crispy potatoes. When I tried the steak, I knew I made the right decision. It was perfectly cooked, mostly rare, and the side dishes only boosted my enjoyment. As for the Gnocchi, beside truffles, they are made with cooking cream, Brie cheese and leeks. My friend ate her entire portion, which is rarely happening, and by its taste she would say that, like the soup, they were homemade.
Insomnia |
Truffled gnocchi |
Regardless of the fact that the portions were both large and delicious, we were wondering if their desserts were such, as well. It didn’t take us long to decide what to order, Id cake (490 rsd) was the choice of my friend, while mine was Cheesecake (490 rsd). Our impression applies to both of the cakes- we’ve never had dessert with fresher ingredients in any of the restaurants we visited so far! Id, which is a chocolate cake, was warm, with Prosecco cream, it just melted in the mouth. My Cheesecake was delicious, nicely served, with fresh cherries.
Id |
Cheesecake |
Our Id was more than satisfied this time! On that day, the full garden spoke in favor of the fact that the other people, of all generations, share our opinion. The prices are a bit higher, but considering the location, ambiance and food, they are completely justified. The service was great, cheerful, kind and fast waiters.
If thirst and hunger overwhelm your id, do not lose your time thinking, instead go to this restaurant, we will surely be their frequent guests.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.