Kad pričamo o posetama restoranima, Gastro policiji je posebna draž poseta poznatim beogradskim mestima, sa tradicijom. Želimo da se uverimo da li su ti restorani zadržali status kultnih mesta, ili su se usled modernizacije iskvarili. Ovaj put vas vodimo u poznati restoran Palilula.
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Palilula |
Ovaj restoran nacionalne kuhinje, smešten, kao što samo ime kaže, na Paliluli, na uglu Starine Novaka i Knez Danilove, odavno je poznat kao mesto gde može dobro da se jede.
Enterijer je skroman, u duhu starih restorana, sa nezaobilaznim kockastim stolnjacima, što dočarava onu staru ''al' se nekad dobro jelo.''
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Palilula - enterijer |
Pored kockastih stoljnjaka, na svakom stolu nalaze se orasnice i paprike, što doprinosi duhu domaćeg restorana. Gastro policija je odlučila da proveri da li su priče koje važe za ovaj restoran opravdane. Po nagovoru naše drugarice, koja je veoma često ovde gost, odlučile smo da dođemo u nedelju. Izabrale smo baš taj dan, jer je nedeljom u Paliluli Karađorđeva šnicla 450 rsd. Bilo nas je više i sve smo se odlučile za Karađorđevu, a jedna drugarica za Ćevape (590 rsd). Kao prilog uzele smo nezaobilaznu Šopsku salatu (220 rsd). Karađorđeva je za svaku pohvalu, ukusna i bogata prilozima. Imam samo jednu zamerku a to je što ja ovu nedeljnu akciju ne bih nazvala akcijom, jer tad je porcija manja od standardne, znači samo je manja količina, pa je shodno tome takva i cena. Meni je ova porcija sasvim dovoljna, ja inače smatram da su ove šnicle prevelike, ali to je moje mišljenje, zna se šta je standard. Ćevapi su bili od svežeg mesa, takođe ukusni, posluženi sa pomfritom, deset komada.
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Karađorđeva šnicla |
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Ćevapi |
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Tartar sos |
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Orasnice i paprike |
Nedeljom obavezno morate da rezervišete, inače nećete naći mesto. Kada se osvrnete oko sebe, primetićete da većina ljudi jede Karađorđevu, što govori da je ova akcija baš dosta poznata. Gosti su kako stariji, tako i mlađi, mahom ljubitelji ovog srpskog specijaliteta.
Konobari su, što se kaže, stara garda, ljubazni, uslužni, kulturni.
Bez obzira što je nedeljom Karađorđeva manja od standardne porcije, savetujem vam da ih posetite, a verujem da su im i drugi specijaliteti ukusni i da se vredi vratiti.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Regarding restaurant visits, Gastro Police especially likes to visit the well-known, traditional Belgrade restaurants. We want to ensure whether these restaurants retain the status of city's cult locations, or maybe they’ve been ruined by modernization. This time we’re taking you to the famous restaurant Palilula.
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Palilula |
The interior is modest, in the spirit of old restaurants, with the unavoidable checkered tablecloths, which depicts that old saying '' We used to eat so well in the old days''.
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Palilula - interior |
In addition to the checkered tablecloths, on each table you can find Orasnice(walnut cookies) and hot peppers, which confirms the spirit of the local restaurant. Gastro police decided to check if the stories about this restaurant are justified. After our friend, who is a regular guest here, told us that the best time for a visit to this restaurant is on Sunday, we decided to listen to her. We selected that very day, because on Sundays, in Palilula, they offer Karadjordje’s steak at a discount price of 450 rsd. There were more of us and we all ordered Karadjordje’s steaks, except one friend who chose Kebabs (590 rsd). We also ordered the inevitable Shopska salad (220 rsd). All the praise for Karadjordje’s steak, it was tasty and there was more than enough of the side dish. I have only one criticism, and it concerns this Sunday offer, I wouldn’t call this Sunday offer as a discount price offer, because the portion is smaller than the standard one, so it only means the quantity is smaller, and accordingly, the price has to be a bit lower as well. To me, this portion is quite enough, but anyways, I consider the standard portions of Karadjordje’s steak too big, but that's just my opinion. The kebabs were fresh, also delicious, served with French fries, ten piece portion.
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Karadjordje’s steak |
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Kebabs |
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Tartar sauce |
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Orasnice(walnut cookies) and hot peppers |
The waiters are, as we Serbs like to say, old-school, kind, helpful and polite.
Regardless of the fact that on Sundays Karadjordje’s steak is smaller than in the standard portion, I recommend you to visit this restaurant, and I believe that their other specialties are tasty and worthy of revisiting, as well.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
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