Prošle nedelje smo, na jednom od naših putešestvija po Vojvodini, odlučile da malo svratimo i do Novog Sada. Po preporuci naše drugarice, koja je veliki i poznavalac i obožavalac ovog grada, otišle smo u pivnicu Gusan.
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Gusan |
Gusan se nalazi u centru Novog Sada, u Zmaj Jovinoj ulici u, po mišljenju već pomenute drugarice, najlepšem pasažu ovog grada. Mi se slažemo sa njom.
Ova pivnica je poznata po velikom izboru piva i dobroj hrani. Smeštena je u podrumu, gde dominira cigla, sa mnoštvo zanimljivih detalja i slika po zidovima, kao i drvenim stolovima sa kockastim stolnjacima. Stepenicama možete da se popnete do gornjeg dela, zastakljene bašte, a leti vam je na raspolaganju i prava bašta.
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Gusan - enterijer |
Mi smo, pravo iz pasaža, sele u taj deo, zastakljenu baštu i to se ispostavilo kao greška. Prvo smo izabrale sto odmah ispod klime, pored prozora, jer smo išle logikom da će tu da nam bude toplo. Nismo bile u pravu, jer jeste koliko-toliko duvala toplota, ali u noge nam je sve vreme duvala hladnoća od spolja, tako da slobodno mogu da kažem da smo se zaledile. Pošto smo na kratko svratile u Novi Sad i bile smo u žurbi, nismo imale vremena da idemo do drugog restorana. Premestile smo se za sto u centralnom delu, gde smo se nadale da će biti bolje. Bilo je bolje, u smislu da nam se nisu noge ukočile od hladnoće, ali i dalje smo se smrzavale, tako da smo morale da sedimo u zakopčanim jaknama.
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Gusan - zastakljena bašta |
Posle adaptacije na polarnu klimu, konačno smo mogle da odlučimo šta ćemo da jedemo. Jelovnik je raznovrstan, na njemu mogu da se nađu specijaliteti i domaće i internacionalne kuhinje, a cene su i više nego povoljne. Ja sam se odlučila za Tortilju sa piletinom (250 rsd), a drugarica za Piletinu sa varivom (400 rsd). Moja tortilja je bila odlična i tvrdim da je jedna od najboljih koje sam jela! Punjena je pilećim belim mesom, pasuljem i šampinjonima i posebno moram da pohvalim kuvara koji je tačno znao u kom odnosu da stavi sastojke. Ništa nije bilo preterano, a u dovoljnim količinama, a šampinjoni su dali poseban šmek. Kao prilog se služi pomfrit, zelena salata i čeri paradajz. Preko tortilje je bio sir, kao i ljuta papričica. Porcija je velika, a odnos cena-kvalitet čista 10-ka! Jelo moje drugarice sastojalo se od pohovane piletine, krompir pirea, boranije, uz dodatak salate: kupus, zelena i čeri. Rekla mi je da je odlična piletina, kao i boranija, ali pire je iz kesice. Sve u svemu, bila je zadovoljna svojim obrokom.
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Tortilja sa piletinom |
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Piletina sa varivom |
Konobar je bio ljubazan i uslužan, a od gostiju su pretežno bili ljudi između 20 - 40 godina.
Ako želite dobro i povoljno da jedete, imate sve preporuke za ovu pivnicu, ali sedite u unutrašnji deo, a ako baš želite baštu odaberite topliji deo godine. Ako ste upravo došli sa Severnog pola, pa ne želite da menjate klimu, onda obavezno svratite, ali u tom slučaju svratite prvo do Južnog pola, pa dovedite i pingvine, sigurno će im prijati ova temperatura dok cirkaju pivo.
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Last week, during one of our travels across Vojvodina, we decided to visit Novi Sad once again. At the recommendation of our friend, who is a great admirer of this city, we went to the Gusan pub.
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Gusan |
Gusan pub is located in the center of Novi Sad, in Zmaj Jovina Street, and, according to our already mentioned friend, in the most beautiful street passage of this city. And we definitely agree with her.
This pub is known for its large selection of beers and good food. It is located in the basement, brick interior, with many interesting details and paintings on the walls, as well as the wooden tables with checkered tablecloths. There are stairs that lead up to the upper part, to the glass terrace, and during summer, there’s another terrace that’s at your disposal.
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Gusan - interior |
Straight from the passage, we picked a table in that area, in the glass terrace, and that turned out to be a mistake. First we chose a table just below the AC, next to the window, because we thought it’d be warm there. We were wrong, it was somewhat warm since the AC was working, but our legs were freezing because the cold air was constantly coming in from the outside. As we briefly stopped in Novi Sad and we were in a hurry, we didn’t have time to go to another restaurant. We moved to a table in the central part, where we hoped the situation would be better. It was better, in the sense that our legs weren’t so stiff from the cold, but we were still freezing, so we had to sit in our jackets.
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Gusan – glass terrace |
After adapting to the polar climate, we finally could decide what to eat. The menu is great, versatile, there are specialties of both local and international cuisine, and the prices are more than favorable. I ordered Chicken tortilla (250 rsd), and my friend Chicken with vegetables (400 rsd). My tortilla was great and I can say it's one of the best I've ever eaten! It is stuffed with chicken fillet, beans and mushrooms, and I especially have to praise the chef for the perfect balance of ingredient quantity. Neither too much nor too little, and mushrooms gave an unique flavor to the dish. As a side dish, they serve fries, some lettuce and cherry tomatoes. With some cheese on top, and a chili pepper. The portion is big, and the price-quality ratio-top mark! My friend's dish consisted of fried chicken fillet, mashed potatoes, yellow wax beans, with a side salad: cabbage, lettuce and cherry tomatoes. She said the chicken was delicious, as well as the yellow wax beans, but instead homemade, she got instant mashed potatoes. All in all, she was satisfied with her dish.
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Chicken tortilla |
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Chicken with vegetables |
The waiter was polite and helpful, and the guests were mostly people between 20 - 40 years of age.
If you want to have a good and cheap meal, we kindly recommend this pub just choose any table indoors, but if you specifically want to sit in the garden, choose a warmer time of the year. If you just came from the North Pole, and you don’t want to change the climate, then make sure to visit this place, but in that case, first stop by the South Pole, bring some penguins with you, they will surely enjoy this temperature while sipping their beer.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.