Vikend je, slobodno mogu da kažem, za mene svetinja, vreme koje želim da provedem u maksimalnom uživanju posle naporne radne nedelje. Kad me je drugarica pozvala da u subotu odemo kod nje u vikendicu, u Čortanovce, za mene nije bilo lepšeg osećaja, jer je Vojvodina za mene oaza mira i uživanja. Odmah nakon toga mi je rekla da ćemo usput svratiti i u restoran Sidro, koji se nalazi u Beški, jer je tamo najbolja riblja čorba koju je ikada jela. Jedva sam čekala da osvane subota.
Sidro se nalazi ispod beščanskog mosta, tako da iz restorana imate pogled i na Dunav i na most. Enterijer restorana je u pravom alaskom stilu, drveni stolovi i stolice i ribarske mreže oko vas, pa ne čudi što je ovde akcenat na ribljim specijalitetima i što su po tome poznati.
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Sidro |
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Sidro - enterijer |
Pretpostavljate da smo odmah naručile Riblju čorbu (porcija 219 rsd). Dok smo čekale da je donesu, premišljale smo se da li uopšte da uzimamo još nešto, jer nismo bile preterano gladne. Onda smo definitivno potvrdile onu frazu da su nekima gladne oči i naručile porciju od 10 Ćevapa (590 rsd), koju smo podelile. Pre riblje čorbe dobile smo Kuver koji se sastoji od Riblje paštete i luka (59 rsd porcija), kao i Hleb (98 rsd porcija) koji je bio veoma ukusan, idealno mi je otvorio apetit za toliko očekivano čorbu. Kad je vrlo brzo posle toga došla i čorba na mom licu je mogao da se vidi samo izraz zadovoljstva. Od te dve porcije što smo mi naručile, slobodno mogu da kažem, mogle su da se najedu četiri osobe. Riba je bila preukusna i sveža, ljutkasta, lepo začinjena i bilo mi je veoma krivo što ne mogu sve da pojedem, ali moralo je da ostane mesta i za ćevape. Ćevapi, koji se služe sa pomfritom, su takođe bili dobri, ali kad probate ovako dobru čorbu, sve ostalo ostane u senci. Uz njih smo kao prilog uzele Šopsku salatu (250 rsd). Ovim samo mogu da potvrdim da je moja drugarica bila u pravu, ovo je za sad, najbolja riblja čorba koju sam probala. Pošto je bio vruć dan, žeđ smo gasile flašom Rosa-e 0.75l (180 rsd), a posle smo se osvežavale Coca-cola - om (149 rsd).
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Riblja čorba i kuver |
Atmosfera u Sidru je veoma prijatna, opuštajuća, uz zvuke Garavog sokaka, a posle toga zasvirali su tamburaši i imali smo potpun vojvođanski ugođaj. Gosti su ljudi svih generacija, konobari ljubazni, a cene pristupačne. Ako vas put nanese na ovu stranu, obavezno svratite, makar zbog riblje čorbe, pa podelite sa nama vaše utiske.
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
I can freely say that every weekend is a holy thing for me, that’s the time when the only thing I want is to relax and enjoy, after a hard working week. When my friend invited me to visit her holiday home in Čortanovci, on Saturday, I couldn’t feel any better because Vojvodina is an oasis of peace and enjoyment for me. Immediately, she told me that we’ll also visit the restaurant Sidro, which is located in Beška, because they serve the best fish soup she has ever eaten. I couldn’t wait for Saturday to arrive.
The restaurant Sidro is located beneath the Beška bridge, so you have a view of both the Danube and the bridge. The interior style resembles a fisherman’s hut, with wooden tables and chairs and fishing nets around you, so no wonder they emphasis their fish specialties they’re famous for.
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Sidro |
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Sidro - interior |
You can guess that we immediately ordered Fish soup (219 rsd per portion). As we waited for it, we were considering whether to order anything else at all, because we weren’t much hungry. Then we definitely confirmed that phrase that one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach, so we ordered a portion of 10 kebabs (590 rsd), which we shared. Before the fish soup they served us Cover charge which consists of Fish pates and onions (59 rsd per portion), and Bread (98 rsd per portion) that was very tasty, it whetted my appetite for so much expected fish soup. Shortly after, the fish soup arrived, and the only expression on my face was the expression of satisfaction. I can freely say that four people could split these two portions that we ordered. The fish was delicious and fresh, spicy, well seasoned and it was a shame that I couldn’t finish it, but I had to leave some space for kebabs as well. Kebabs, which are served with French fries, were also good, but when you try such a good soup, everything else is left in the shade. Along with kebabs we had Shopska salad (250 rsd). I can only confirm that my friend was right, this was the best fish soup I tried so far. Since it was a hot day, we sipped some bottled Rosa water 0.75l (180 rsd), and after we had Coca Cola (149 rsd).
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Fish soup and Cover charge |
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Kebabs |
The atmosphere in Sidro is very pleasant, relaxing, with the sounds of Garavi sokak band, and after that the tambourine players were performing, so we had a complete Vojvodina experience. Guests are people of all generations, the waiters are kind and the prices are affordable. And if the road takes you there, make sure to stop by, even just for the fish soup, and share your impressions with us after.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes prior to this post.
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