Letnji ručak je za mene idealan ako je u blizini reke. Opušta me po ovim paklenim vrućinama. A i osvežava, koliko je to moguće. Ovog vikenda zaputila sam se sa drugaricom na Zemunski kej, jer mi je leti to omiljena destinacija za šetnju i kasnopopodnevni ručak. Ovonedeljno druženje odlučile smo da provedemo u restoranu Milagro.
Milagro |
Milagro je restoran španske kuhinje i to je jedan od razloga zbog kog smo rešile da ga posetimo. Jednostavno malo sam postala prezasićena restorana nacionalne ili internacionalne kuhinje. Bilo mi je potrebno nešto malo drugačije, nešto što iskače iz svakodnevnice. A to je definitivno bio ovaj restoran. Smešten je na Zemusnkom keju, u kući na sprat, sa čije terase se pruža savršen pogled na Dunav.
Milagro - terasa |
Restoran je ceo inspirisan drvenim tonovima, što dodatno opušta. Stil na terasi je malo opuštenijeg karaktera, dok je unutrašnji deo restorana ipak elegantniji i prefinjeniji. Posebno mi se svideo raspored stolova na terasi, koji nisu načičkani jedan pored drugog, te svaki sto ima svoju dozu privatnosti. Tako da ne brinite, u ovom restoranu ćete isključivo čuti svog sagovornika, i neće vam se mešati glasovi sa strane, što nije slučaj sa većinom restorana.
Milagro - enterijer |
Moram da priznam da sam u ovom restoranu očekivala onaj tip uštogljenih i nadmenih konobara koji se ponašaju kao da su u najmanju ruku vlasnici lokala, međutim prevarila sam se. Dočekao nas je jedan stariji, izuzetno ljubazan i šaljivi konobar koji nam je odmah preporučio šta da probamo iz menija.
Kuver |
Pre naručenih jela, bio nam je poslužen Kuver (80 rsd) - korpica štapića poslužena sa umacima, od kojih je jedan bio riblja pašteta i jedna je od boljih koje sam probala. Nakon što smo se zagrejale kuverom, na red su došla glavna jela.
Paelja od morskih plodova |
Naravno, jedno od jela koje smo naručile bio je španski specijalitet - Paelja od morskih plodova (1390 rsd). Količinski porciju mogu da podele dve osobe koje su srednje gladne, međutim Gastro policija uvek ide na ručak pripremljenih praznih stomaka, tako da je ova porcija u tom slučaju taman. Paelja je bila preukusna, začinjena po mom ukusu, a morski plodovi su po ovakvim toplim danima bili pravi izbor.
Fideu sa gamborima |
Drugo jelo je bilo takođe španski specijalitet - Fideu sa gamborima (1290 rsd). Veliki sam fan gambora i testenine tako da možete da pogađate koliko sam bila oduševljena ovim spojem. Možda je za nijansu ovo jelo bilo malo manje začinjeno od onoga što ja volim, ali svakako je za pohvalu. Tako da ko voli malo blaže ukuse, topla prepuka od mene je fideu.
Tip gostiju je raznolik, što zbog tipa kuhinje što zbog lokacije, stariji, mlađi, opušteni, ili previše sređeni za ovo doba dana, restoran Milagro je sjedinio sve ljubitelje španskih ukusa. A mi? Mi smo nakon obilnog ručka, naručile flašu belog vina, i ostatak dana provele u pogledu od milion dolara.
Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
For me, the ideal summer lunch is having it somewhere near the river. It relaxes me during these hot summer days. It’s relatively refreshing,too. This weekend, my friend and I went to Zemun quay, because, during summer, it’s my favorite destination for taking a walk and having a late afternoon lunch. This week, we decided to spend our time at the restaurant Milagro.
Milagro |
Milagro is a Spanish cuisine restaurant and this is one of the reasons why we decided to visit it. I just became a bit tired of national or international cuisine restaurants. I needed something a bit different, something that stands out of everyday life. And this restaurant was a perfect fit. It’s located on the Zemun quay, in a two story house, with a terrace that gives a perfect view of the Danube.
Milagro - terrace |
The restaurant’s desing is completely inspired by wood, which is even more relaxing. The style of the terrace is a bit more casual, while the inner part of the restaurant is more elegant and refined. I especially liked the layout of the tables on the terrace, they aren’t squinted next to each other, so each one has its own privacy. So don’t worry, in this restaurant, you’ll only hear your friend, no mixing voices from the side, which isn’t the case in most restaurants.
Milagro - interior |
I must admit that, at this restaurant, I was expecting that type of stuck-up waiters who act as if they are the owners of the place, but I was wrong. We were greeted by an older, extremely polite and witty waiter who immediately recommended us what to try out of the menu.
Cover charge |
Before ordered dishes, we were served Cover charge (80 rsd) – a basket of salted breadsticks served with dips, one of whom was a fish pate and is one of the best I've had. After this warm up came the time for the main dishes.
Seafood Paella |
Of course, one of the dishes that we ordered was a Spanish specialty - Seafood Paella (1390 rsd). This portion could be enough for two people who are moderately hungry, however, the Gastro police always goes to lunch with already prepared empty stomachs, so in our case, this portion was perfect in quantity. The paella was delicious, seasoned just how I like it, and seafood was the right choice during these hot days.
Fideuà with prawns |
The second dish was also a Spanish specialty – Fideuà with prawns (1290 rsd). I am a big fan of prawns and pasta so you can guess how delighted I was with this mix. To my taste, it was somewhat less spicy, but it was certainly excellent. So whoever likes a little milder taste, I warmly recommend fideua.
The guests are of all types, both due to the type of cuisine, and due to the location, older, younger, some casually dressed, some a bit overdressed for this time of day, the restaurant Milagro gathered all fans of Spanish flavors. And us? After this big lunch, we ordered a bottle of white wine and spent the rest of the day enjoying the million dollar view.
Love, Nada Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes prior to this post.
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