Gastro policija je odlučila da malo proširi svoja iskustva, pa smo tako došle na ideju da sa vama podelimo svoje utiske iz regiona. Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo što je baš meni zapalo da pišem o restoranu Cele, iz meni jednog od omiljenih gradova - Dubrovnika. Gastro policija is coming!
Dubrovnik je grad u kom leti, bukvalno, gorite! Dok šetate starim gradom, pored toga što uživate u istoriji i duhu ovog prelepog i, slobodno mogu reći, večnog grada, takođe osećate nesnosnu vrućinu i na umu vam je samo to kako ćete posle obilaska sesti u neki lep restoran da se okrepite.
Nije bilo lako doneti odluku gde da sednemo. Na svakom koraku restorani i svaki deluje kao da je baš taj ono što tražite. Posle nekih 20 min i povećanja temperature za jedno 5 stepeni odluka je pala na restoran Cele.
Ovo mesto nalazi se u središtu gradske vreve, sa pogledom na veliki sat u centru grada, tako da ovde možete istovremeno da uživate i u pogledu na divne dubrovačke građevine i da osetite duh grada. Dan je bio, kao što sam već rekla, mnogo vruć, ali ventilatori u bašti restorana pomogli su da nam uživanje bude potpuno.
Cele je mesto modernog enterijera, sa lepom baštom, iz koje, već sam pomenula, imate lep pogled i zadovoljstvo je neizostavno ako ovde sednete.
Cele je mesto modernog enterijera, sa lepom baštom, iz koje, već sam pomenula, imate lep pogled i zadovoljstvo je neizostavno ako ovde sednete.
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Cele - bašta |
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Cele - enterijer |
Nakon što smo se smestile, malo rashladile, na red je došlo da odlučimo šta ćemo jesti. Ja sam se, kao veliki ljubitelj morskih plodova, odlučila za Lignje na žaru, jer zaista smatram da je šteta na moru ne jesti to, jer svakako nije isto kad jedete lignje u Beogradu i lignje na moru. Drugarica, kao veliki ljubitelj Burgera, želela je da vidi da li su i ovde tako dobri kao u Beogradu.
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Lignje na žaru |
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Burger |
Lignje su bile pun pogodak, sveže, svaki zalogaj predstavljao je mali raj za moja nepca i ovo je za mene potpuno uzivanje na jednom putovanju - divan grad, divna hrana, super društvo. Burger moje drugarice bio je podjednako uživanje za nju kao lignje za mene. Poslužen sa pomfritom i umakom, sveže lepinje sa susamom i iceberg salatom, paradajzom i sirom i preukusnim mesom, zadovoljstvo moje drugarice je bilo izuzetno vidno. Na moje pitanje kako joj se sviđa je odgovorila samo da je predivan, što mi je bilo i više nego dovoljno. Kako je bilo mnogo vruće, osvežavale smo se uz Kiselu vodu 1l.
Cene su, kao i u celom Dubrovniku, malo više nego u Beogradu, što je i za očekivati.
Posebna pohvala za osoblje, konobar koji nas je služio je bio i više nego ljubazan i nasmejan i maksimalno je izlazio u susret na sve naše nedoumice, tako da ovo mesto drži nivo kakav i treba da ima jedan restoran ovako bitnog turističkog grada.
S obzirom da je Dubrovnik grad koji godišnje poseti veoma veliki broj ljudi, logično je da ovde, kao i u sve druge restorane, dolaze ljudi svih godišta iz celog sveta, a veoma često je prava sreća naći slobodno mesto, što smo mi imale.
Savet koji mogu da vam dam je da prvenstveno posetite Dubrovnik, a onda i Cele, ukoliko vam vreme i obaveze dozvoljavaju, garantujem divne utiske i za grad i za restoran.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Gastro police decided to broaden the experience a bit, so we came up with the idea to share our impressions from the neighboring region. It is a great pleasure for me to write about the restaurant Cele, from one of my favorite cities - Dubrovnik. Gastro police is coming!
Dubrovnik is the city in which, during the summer, you literally burn! As you strall the old city, besides enjoying the history and the spirit of this beautiful and, I can freely say, eternal city, you also feel unbearable heat, and the only thing that’s on your mind is a fine restaurant you’ll sit in after touring the city.
It wasn’t easy choosing a restaurant for our break. There are restaurants on every step of the way and each seems to be perfect for what you’re looking for. After about 20 minutes and a temperature increase of around 5 °C, we chose the Cele restaurant.
This place is located in the center of the city hustle and bustle, overlooking the big clock in the city center, so here you can enjoy the view of the beautiful Dubrovnik buildings and feel the spirit of the city, as well. The day was, as I said, very hot, but the fans in the garden of the restaurant helped us enjoy it completely.
The Cele restaurant is a place with modern interior, with a beautiful garden, from which, as I already mentioned, you have a nice view, so, if you choose to sit here, the pleasure is inevitable.
After we settled down and cooled down a bit, came the time to decide what to eat. Since I'm such a big fan of seafood, I chose Grilled calamari, because I really think it’s a shame not to eat those at the seaside, it’s certainly different than eating them in Belgrade. My friend, as a big fan of Burgers, wanted to see if they are as good here as in Belgrade.
Calamari had hit the mark, they were fresh, every bite was a small paradise for my palate and for me, that is the definition of a complete enjoyment on a trip - a beautiful city, wonderful food, great company. My friend enjoyed the burger just as much as I enjoyed the calamari. It was served with French fries and a dip, with fresh sesame buns and iceberg salad, tomato and cheese and delicious patty, I could see my friend's satisfaction. When I asked her whether she liked it, she just said that it was perfect, which was more than enough. As it was very hot, we sipped sparkling water 1l.
The prices are, as in all Dubrovnik, a bit higher than in Belgrade, which is expected.
A special praise for the staff, the waiter who served us was more than polite and kind, he came to our assistance, so this place holds the level of what a restaurant of such an important tourist city should have.
Since Dubrovnik is a city that welcomes a very large number of people every year, it is logical that here, as well as in all other restaurants, come the people of all ages and from all over the world, so we had a lot of luck for even finding a free table.
My advice is to visit Dubrovnik in the first place, and then the Cele restaurant as well, if your time and duties permit it, I guarantee you’ll have great impressions both for the city and restaurant.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant made some changes to the menu prior to this post.
Gastro police decided to broaden the experience a bit, so we came up with the idea to share our impressions from the neighboring region. It is a great pleasure for me to write about the restaurant Cele, from one of my favorite cities - Dubrovnik. Gastro police is coming!
Dubrovnik is the city in which, during the summer, you literally burn! As you strall the old city, besides enjoying the history and the spirit of this beautiful and, I can freely say, eternal city, you also feel unbearable heat, and the only thing that’s on your mind is a fine restaurant you’ll sit in after touring the city.
It wasn’t easy choosing a restaurant for our break. There are restaurants on every step of the way and each seems to be perfect for what you’re looking for. After about 20 minutes and a temperature increase of around 5 °C, we chose the Cele restaurant.
This place is located in the center of the city hustle and bustle, overlooking the big clock in the city center, so here you can enjoy the view of the beautiful Dubrovnik buildings and feel the spirit of the city, as well. The day was, as I said, very hot, but the fans in the garden of the restaurant helped us enjoy it completely.
The Cele restaurant is a place with modern interior, with a beautiful garden, from which, as I already mentioned, you have a nice view, so, if you choose to sit here, the pleasure is inevitable.
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Cele - garden |
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Cele - interior |
After we settled down and cooled down a bit, came the time to decide what to eat. Since I'm such a big fan of seafood, I chose Grilled calamari, because I really think it’s a shame not to eat those at the seaside, it’s certainly different than eating them in Belgrade. My friend, as a big fan of Burgers, wanted to see if they are as good here as in Belgrade.
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Grilled calamari |
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Burger |
Calamari had hit the mark, they were fresh, every bite was a small paradise for my palate and for me, that is the definition of a complete enjoyment on a trip - a beautiful city, wonderful food, great company. My friend enjoyed the burger just as much as I enjoyed the calamari. It was served with French fries and a dip, with fresh sesame buns and iceberg salad, tomato and cheese and delicious patty, I could see my friend's satisfaction. When I asked her whether she liked it, she just said that it was perfect, which was more than enough. As it was very hot, we sipped sparkling water 1l.
The prices are, as in all Dubrovnik, a bit higher than in Belgrade, which is expected.
A special praise for the staff, the waiter who served us was more than polite and kind, he came to our assistance, so this place holds the level of what a restaurant of such an important tourist city should have.
Since Dubrovnik is a city that welcomes a very large number of people every year, it is logical that here, as well as in all other restaurants, come the people of all ages and from all over the world, so we had a lot of luck for even finding a free table.
My advice is to visit Dubrovnik in the first place, and then the Cele restaurant as well, if your time and duties permit it, I guarantee you’ll have great impressions both for the city and restaurant.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant made some changes to the menu prior to this post.