Često čujem prijatelje koji mi kažu kako je sve više manje kafana sa dušom. I istina je. Ne pamtim kad sam skoro bila u nekoj dobroj kafani na pravom sprskom ručku da uživam ko pravi boem. Ako izuzmemo nadaleko čuvenu Skadarliju, da li ste se zapitali gde biste još mogli da osetite pravi etno stil? Ja jesam, i odlučila sam da ovog puta u tu svrhu posetim Konobu Akustik.
Konoba Akustik |
Konoba Akustik smeštena je na Dorćolu, u srcu grada, u ulici Cara Dušana. Toplina etno stila oseća je već na samom ulazu u ovaj restoran. Slova, stolovi i stolice, detalji, crveno beli kockasti stolnjaci, fotografije, sve odiše pravom srpskom tradicijom. S obzirom da je Gastro policija rešila da popodnevne sate provede ovde, rezervacija nije bila potrebna, tako da smo imale punu slobodu izbora mesta za ručavanje.
Konoba Akustik - enterijer |
Meni je u skladu sa enterijerom, sa obiljem srpskih specijaliteta, gde vam već pri samom čitanju krene voda na usta. Eee, to su pravi jelovnici! Jela sa roštilja, sprski specijaliteti, supice, čorbice, salate, kolači.. Sve kao kod bake na selu. Gastro policija je rešila da krene po redu, te je prva na listi bila Domaća pileća supa (120 rsd). Istina je da u pripremi ove supe nema neke preterane mudrosti, ali na x mesta sam bila nezadovoljna. Ili bude premasna, ili rezanci budu prekuvani, ali u Konobi Akustik, bila je savršena. Za glavno jelo izbor je pao na Mešano meso (650 rsd). Meso je bilo odlično spremljeno, te se Gastro policija prepustila ukusima piletine, kobasica, leskovačkih uštipaka, ćevapa, pomfrita i grilovanih pečuraka nadevenih sirom. Uz mešano meso naravno bila je naručena i Srpska salata (210 rsd) koja nije zaostajala za ostalim jelima. Kako ja volim da kažem - proleće u tanjiru. Ovoga puta nismo želele ni deserta da se odreknemo te sam ja naručila tradicionalni Srpski čokoladni kolač (160 rsd). Mogu vam samo reći da nijedan Čizkejk ne može da zameni ukus ovog domaćeg kolača. Iako je već nadaleko poznato da nisam neki ljubitelj slatkiša, ovaj kolač me je oduševio. Svež, mek, sočan, bio je pravi raj za moja nepca. Drugarica se odlučila za nešto blažu verziju deserta - Pitu sa jabukama (140 rsd). Kako ona kaže, pita je bila kao što njena mama sprema, a verujte mi njena mama sprema najbolje pite! Tako da svaka čast celeokupnom timu iz kuhinje!
Domaća pileća supa |
Mešano meso |
Srpska salata |
Srpski čokoladni kolač |
Pita sa jabukama |
Ukoliko Konobu Akustik posetite u večernjim satima, pored hrane uživaćete i u zvucima tamburaša. Naravno, preporučila bih vam da u tom slučaju ipak rezervišete sto. A ukoliko vas pak mrzi da izlazite, a želite kod kuće da napravite pravu srpsku gozbu, Konoba Akustik vrši i dostavu svojih specijaliteta. Mislili su na sve, zar ne?
I za kraj, Konoba Akustik je dokazala da zaista ima dušu. Spoj prave domaće tradicionalne srpske kuhinje i tamburaša u samom centru grada u originalnom etno okruženju za izuzetno male pare - moguć je! Mi smo se sjajno provele, i ovom prilikom vam toplo preporučujemo da ih posetite i osetite delić našeg zadovoljstva!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
My friends often say that there’s less and less true kafanas(Serbian taverns). And it's true. I can not remember when was the last time I went for a real Serbian lunch in a good kafana, to enjoy like a true bohemian. With the exception of the widely known Skadarlija, did you ask yourselves where you can still feel the true ethno style? I did, and, this time and for that purpose, I decided to visit the Konoba Akustik.
Konoba Akustik |
Konoba Akustik is located in Dorcol, in the heart of the city, at Cara
Dusana Street. And immediately when you take a step into this restaurant,
you can feel the warmth of ethno style. The letters, tables and chairs,
details, red and white checkered tablecloths, photos, true Serbian tradition
can be found in everything. Since Gastro police decided to spend the
afternoon here, the reservation wasn’t needed, so we had full freedom to choose
where we wanted to sit.
Konoba Akustik - interior |
The menu is in accordance with the interior, with plenty of Serbian specialties, mouthwatering begins as soon as you start reading the menu. That’s the real menu! Dishes from the grill, Serbian specialties, soups, broths, salads, cakes... Just like grandma’s. Gastro police decided to try everything, and the first on the list was Homemade chicken soup (120 rsd). It’s true that this soup doesn’t require a lot of wisdom, but when I tried it in a lot of other restaurants, I was dissatisfied. It was either too oily or the noodles were overcooked, but in Konoba Akustik, it was perfect. For the main course we chose Mixed griiled meat (650 rsd). The meat was perfectly cooked, so Gastro police enjoyed the taste of chicken, sausages, Leskovacki ustipci(meat fritters), kebabs, fries and grilled mushrooms filled with cheese. With mixed meat, we ordered Serbian salad (210 rsd) which was good as the other dishes. As I like to say - spring on a plate. This time we didn’want to skip dessert, so I ordered a traditional Serbian chocolate cake (160 rsd). I can tell you that not a single Cheesecake in the world, can replace the taste of this homemade cake. Although it’s already widely known that I'm not a fan of sweets, I was thrilled with this cake. Fresh, soft, juicy, a true paradise for my palate. My friend chose a somewhat milder version of the dessert - Apple pie (140 rsd). She said that the pie was as her mom’s, and trust me, her mom makes the best pies! Well done for everyone in the kitchen!
Homemade chicken soup |
Mixed grilled meat |
Serbian salad |
Serbian chocolate cake |
Apple pie |
If you visit Konoba Akustik in the evening, in addition to the food, you will enjoy the sounds of tambourines. However, I would recommend to you, that in this case, you make a reservation for a table. And if you don’t feel like going out, but you still want to make a true Serbian feast at home, Konoba Akustik does delivery, too.They thought of everything, didn’t they?
All in all, Konoba Akustik has proven that it really has a soul. A mix of genuine homemade traditional Serbian cuisine and tambourines, in the heart of the city, in original ethno environment for very little money – it’s possible! We had a great time, and on this occasion we heartly recommend you to visit and experience a fraction of our satisfaction!
Love, Gastro police !!
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