Kao velikog ljubitelja morskih plodova, veoma me je obradovalo kada sam prošle godine šetala Francuskom ulicom i ugledala natpis Papalada - fish and mediterranean food. Istog trena ovaj restoran se našao na spisku mesta koje Gastro policija mora da obiđe.
Papalada |
Ono što me je, između ostalog, još ovde privuklo je to što su malo zavučeni u Francuskoj ulici, pa kad ste tamo imate osećaj privatnosti, što mi ide uz raspoloženje kad uživam u morskim plodovima.
Enterijer je veoma lepo uređen, sa ukusom, pa pored drvenih stolova i stolica, na zidu ćete videti zanimljive detalje kao što su sidro, guma za spasavanje, veslo, brodići, itd. Jako lep ambijent koji će vam dočarati morsku atmosferu.
Papalada - enterijer |
Izbor hrane za mene nije bio nimalo lak, jer ja zaista obožavam sve iz mora i sve mogu da jedem, samo su nijanse odlučivale. Kako dugo nisam jela lignje, izbor je prvo pao na punjene. Kad je došao konobar, koji je zaista bio preljubazan, rekao mi je da njih trenutno nemaju, već samo jadranske, ali kako su one skuplje jer idu po gramaži i rekao mi je otprilike cenu. Rekla sam da to nije problem, međutim, malo konfuzno mi je objasnio kako su ih tako i neki stranci uzeli ali je bilo nesporazuma oko cene i sl. Nije mi baš najjasnije objasnio, ali kao da je nekako želeo da me odgovori od lignji, a kako sam pravo sa posla došla tamo bila sam baš gladna da bih se ubeđivala i ipak sam naručila hobotnicu na žaru (1850 rsd). Verujem da je imao najbolju nameru, samo to nije lepo prezentovao, ali ne zameram mu, jer me je hobotnica oduševila. Ukusna, hrskava, u dovoljnoj količini, sa ukusnim dalmatinskim varivom, bilo je baš ono što mi treba posle radnog dana. Za razliku od mene, drugarica tog dana nije bila u morskom raspoloženju, tako da je ona uzela pileći file (850 rsd) sa krompirom i grilovanim povrćem. Za njeno jelo nemam ništa specijalno da izdvojim, ukusno i lepo pripremljeno, kao i na većini mesta. Uz ručak smo pijuckale coca-colu zero (220 rsd), a posle ručka smo ćaskale uz espresso (140 rsd) i ness kafu (160 rsd). Da ne zaboravim da napomenem da smo pre naručenih jela bile poslužene kuverom, koji se sastojao od ukusnih, svežih hlepčića i riblje paštete sa maslinom, lukom i paradajzom, koji nam je samo otvorio apetit i pojačao želju za glavnim jelom.
Hleb |
Riblja pašteta |
Hobotnica na žaru |
Pileći file |
Espresso |
Taj dan, kad smo mi bile, pored nas, bilo je malo gostiju, za jos par stolova, i mlađih i starijih, ali pretpostavljam da ovde primarno dolaze ljubitelji morskih specijaliteta. Ako ste i vi među njima, imate moje preporuke da ih posetite, a ovom prilikom apelujem na menadžment da, ako mogu, u svoj jelovnik ubace i jastoga, obećavam da ću im biti među prvim gostima koji će ga komzumirati.
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Last year, while I was taking a walk down Francuska Street, I was very pleased when I saw the sign Papalada-fish and mediterranean food, since I am a big fan of seafood. Instantly, this restaurant was on the list of places that Gastro police must visit.
Papalada |
I was immediately drawn by the fact that this restaurant is a bit tucked away in Francuska Street, so you have a sense of privacy when you are there, and that fits my mood while enjoying seafood.
The interior is very nicely and tastefully decorated, and in addition to wooden tables and chairs, there are interesting details on the wall such as the anchor, rubber life ring, paddle, boats etc. Lovely ambiance that makes you feel like you’re somewhere near the sea.
Papalada - interior |
Choosing the food wasn’t easy for me, because I really love everything that comes from the sea and I can eat it all, I made the decision by the nuances among the dishes. As I haven’t had squid for a long time, I wanted to order Stuffed squid. When the waiter came, btw he was really polite, he told me that in the moment they don’t have these squids, that they only have the Adriatic squids, but that they are more expensive because you order them after the grammage and he told me the approximate price. I said that its’not a problem, however, he confusingly explained to me that some foreigners ordered these squid and there was a misunderstanding about the price when they were paying. I didn’t understand him completely, but it seemed as if he somehow wanted to talk me out of ordering the squids, and since I came there straight from work, I was very hungry so I didn’t have the strength to talk so, in the end, I ordered Grilled octopus (1850 rsd). I believe that he had the best intentions, but didn’t present it nicely, but I do not blame him, because I was thrilled with the octopus. Delicious, crispy, sufficient in quantity, with delicious Dalmatian stewed vegetables, it was just what I needed after a long day. Unlike me, my friend wasn’t in the mood for seafood, so she ordered the Chicken fillet (850 rsd) with potatoes and grilled vegetables. For that dish, I have nothing special to say, delicious and beautifully prepared, as in most restaurants. During lunch we sipped Coca-cola Zero (220 rsd), and after lunch we chatted while drinking Espresso (140 rsd) and Nescaffe (160 rsd). Not to forget to mention that, before our ordered dishes, they served us the couver, which consisted of delicious, fresh buns and fish pate with olives, onions and tomatoes, which whetted our appetite and enhanced our desire for the main course.
Bread |
Fish pate |
Grilled octopus |
Chicken fillet |
Espresso |
That day, when we visited this restaurant, there wasn’t a lot of guests, a few more tables besides ours, both younger and older people, but I believe that seafood fans primarily come here. If you are among them, you have my recommendation to visit them, and I’m using this occasion to say to the management to include lobster in their menu, if they can, I promise I'll be among the first guests who will try it.