Ovaj put vas vodimo na jedno skroz originalno mesto, jedini pravi diner u Beogradu - Intergalactic diner!
Svi smo gledali američke filmove u kojima sednete za sto za kojim se nalazi jukebox, ubacite novčić i uživate u omiljenim pesmama, dok listate meni posećenog mesta, koji se uglavnom sastoji od burgera. Intergalactic diner je baš to - doza Amerike u Beogradu.
Nalaze se na dve lokacije u gradu, na Vračaru, u ulici Internacionalnih brigada i na granici Zemuna i Novog Beograda, u okviru hotela Jugoslavija. Oba lokala rade 24h i za sebe kažu da kod njih možete da pojedete najbolje burgere u univerzumu. Vrlo smela reklama, a mi smo odlučile da kao gastro patrola ispitamo istinitost ove tvrdnje.
Kad zakoračite ovde, imaćete osećaj kao da ste zakoračili u američki film iz '50-ih godina: crno bele pločice na podu, redovi crveno belih kauča između kojih je već pomenuti sto sa jukebox-om, uz nezaobilazni veliki šank i pogled na kuhinju. Na stolu se nalazi i meni i salvete u crvenom stalku, takođe jedan od detalja koji smo viđali na televiziji.
Intergalactic diner - enterijer |
Pošto im u nazivu stoji da posluju na nivou galaksija, nazivi jela su svemirski. Tako od burgera možete da pojedete npr. Big Bang, kolutiće luka Saturn rings, salatu Star chick, ili kosmičke palačinke.
Meni se sastoji od burgera (pilećih i junećih), hot dogova, rebaraca, salata i deserta. Svakako je najveći izbor burgera, koje možete da naručite kao manju ili veću porciju, u skladu sa mesom i sastojcima koje preferirate, a imaju i vegetarijansku varijantu. Mi smo se odlučile za Smokey Galaxy (RSD 415 mala porcija) i Original (RSD 495 velika porcija). Smokey Galaxy čine grilovano juneće meso, čedar sir, grilovani luk, woodsmoke sos i iceberg salata. Original se sastoji od grilovanog junećeg mesa, iceberg salate, paradajza, crvenog luka, krastavca, majoneza, senfa i kečapa. Uz svaki burger dobijate kao prilog pomfrit i dve činijice sa kečapom i majonezom. Ne znam koji bih izraz mogla da upotrebim za ove burgere a da se ne ponavljam. Ovo je prava eksplozija ukusa. Sveže, ukusno meso i lepinje, pravi odabir sastojaka i porcija posle koje ne ostajete gladni, čine raj za moj hedonistički duh. Smatram da će svako da se složi sa mnom, jer po mom mišljenju, ovde će vam se svideti svaki burger, jedina je razlika što ćete odabrati sastojke po svojoj meri, ali zadovoljstvo je zagarantovano. Jednom drugom prilikom smo poručile Cheese fries (RSD 285), tj. pomfrit sa tečnim čedar sirom i mariniranim halapenjo papričicama preko. Zadovoljstvo je bilo podjednako kao i za burgere.
Smokey Galaxy |
Original |
Cheese fries |
Cene na prvi pogled deluju malo veće, ali su skroz opravdane, tako da možete da pojedete burger za 350 RSD, ili 1000 RSD, sve u skladu sa željama i mogućnostima, a bićete siti za koji god da se odlučite.
Gosti su pretežno mlađi ljudi, proseka oko 30 godina, naročito u noćnim satima, kad se vraćaju iz izlaska, ali ni stariji nisu retkost. Usluga je odlična, pa ako imate bilo kakvu nedoumicu oko jelovnika, ili jukebox-a, ne ustručavajte se da ih pitate da vam razreše nedoumice.
Želite li ukusne burgere i drugačiji, originalni ambijent? Pravo u Intergalactic diner!
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
This time, we're taking you to one original retaurant, the only real diner in Belgrade - Intergalactic Diner!
We all watched American movies, in which you sit down at the table where there is a jukebox, you insert a coin and enjoy your favorite songs while looking at the menu of that popular place, which consists mostly of burgers. Intergalactic Diner is just that - a dose of America in Belgrade.
You can find them in two locations in the city, at Vračar, Internacionalnih brigada Street and at the border of Zemun and Novi Beograd, within the hotel Yugoslavia. Both diners are opened 24 hours and they say that you can eat the best burgers in the Universe at their place. Very bold advertising, so, as Gastro police, we decided to visit them and judge the veracity of their claims.
When you enter, you'll feel like you've stepped into an American movie from the '50s: black and white floor tiles, sets of red and white diner booths and between them the already mentioned tables with jukeboxes on them, with the inevitable large bar and the view of the kitchen. On the table you can find a menu and napkins in a red stand, also one of the details that we saw on TV.
Intergalactic Diner - interior |
Since their name suggest that they operate between galaxies, their dishes have space names. That being said, you can order e.g. a Big Bang burger, Saturn onion rings, Star Chick salad or Cosmic pancakes.
The menu consists of burgers (chicken and beef), hot dogs, ribs, salads and desserts. The largest is the selection of burgers, you can choose between small and large portion, in accordance with the meat and the ingredients you prefer, but they also offer a vegetarian option. We ordered Smokey Galaxy (RSD 415 small portion) and Original (RSD 495 large portion). Smokey Galaxy consists of grilled beef, Cheddar cheese, grilled onions, woodsmoke sauce and iceberg lettuce. Original consists of grilled beef, iceberg lettuce, tomato, red onions, cucumber, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup. As a side dish with each burger you get ketchup and mayo in two little bowls. I can't think of the expression I could use for these burgers without repeating myself. This is a real explosion of taste. Fresh, tasty meat and buns, perfect choice of ingredients and a portion after which you won't be hungry, all that forms a paradise for my hedonistic spirit. I think everyone will agree with me, because in my opinion, you'll like every burger here, the only difference is that you'll choose the ingredients you prefer, but it's guaranteed you'll be satisfied. On another occasion, we ordered Cheese fries (RSD 285), ie. French fries with Cheddar cheese sauce and marinated jalapenos on top. The satisfaction was the same as for burgers.
Smokey Galaxy |
Original |
Cheese fries |
At first glance, the prices seem a bit higher, but they are totally justified, so you can eat a burger from 350 RSD to 1000 RSD, in accordance with your wishes and possibilities, and your stomach will be full no matter which one you choose.
The guests are mostly younger people, about 30 years of age, especially late in the evening, when they come here after a night out, but you can encounter the older people as well. The service is excellent, so if you have any doubts about the menu or the jukebox, do not hesitate to ask them for help.
Want delicious burgers and a different, original ambiance? Visit Intergalactic Diner!
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.