Novi Sad je, kao i Beograd, poznat po odličnim restoranima. Veliki ne samo što spada u tu kategoriju, već se po mnogo čemu i razlikuje od ostalih.
Prvo što će vam zapasti za oko je svakako ambijent, koji je sav u cigli, a ceo koncept restorana je urban. Na njihovom sajtu možete da pročitate razne zanimljivosti, pa tako možete da saznate da je najstariji kotni kamen, iz 1801. godine, ugrađen u ćošak ovog restorana. Plafon čine grede koje su početkom XIX veka donošene iz Bavarske. Kako i menadžment Velikog kaže, oni su urbani restoran koji predstavlja spoj nacionalnih kuhinja svih etničkih zajednica koje žive na ovom prostoru. Zvuči fenomenalno, zar ne?
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Veliki |
Kad znate da im je ponuda jela kombinacija svih tih kuhinja, možete misliti kako vam se, dok čitate jelovnik, otvara apetit i podstiču sva čula.
Odlučile smo se za Karfiol u sosu od dimljenog sira (RSD 420), Pileće rolnice sa slaninom (RSD 890) i Junetinu u saftu (RSD 750). Kao prilog smo uzele Mešanu salatu sa mladim sirom (RSD 240). Karfiol i dimljeni sir su odlična kombinacija koja će vam probuditi želju za glavnim jelom. Pileće rolnice su uvijene u slaninu, punjene suvom kajsijom i šljivom, poslužene uz pirinač i povrće. Za nas ljubitelje slatkih i slanih kombinacija, ovo je super spoj. Jačinu slanine ublažava osvežavajuća nota šljive, a kajsija daje poseban šmek. Ukusno, dobar odnos sastojaka, velika porcija. Junetina u saftu se služi uz ćušpajz od tikvica, što je takođe pravi pogodak. Tamo gde su tikvice, to je uglavnom dobro, to ja često kažem u šali. Restovan krompir koji ide uz ovo jelo samo pojačava pozitivan utisak. Kao što važi i za prvo jelo, ni posle ove porcije nećete ostati gladni.
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Karfiol u sosu od dimljenog sira |
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Pileće rolnice sa slaninom |
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Junetina u saftu |
Veliki je opravdao sve ono što piše na njihovom sajtu. Pored odlične kuhinje, atmosfera u restoranu je prijatna, uz osoblje i gosti prave jednu pozitivnu atmosferu, što svakako ne bi bilo da im restoran ne pruža dobru ponudu i sasvim korektne cene. Kad budem nekoga vodila na dobar i ukusan obrok u Novi Sad, ovaj restoran će sigurno biti moj izbor.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Like Belgrade, Novi Sad is known for its excellent restaurants. Not only the restaurant Veliki falls into this category, it also stands out from the others.
The first thing that will catch your eye is certainly the ambiance, an urban concept of the restaurant with brick walls. You can read lots of interesting fact on their website , like the one that says that the oldest corner stone, from 1801, still remains in this restaurant. The ceiling is made of beams that were brought from Bavaria at the beginning of the nineteenth century. As the management of Veliki says, they are an urban restaurant that represents a fusion of national cuisines of all ethnic communities living in this region. Sounds great, right?
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Veliki |
Once you realize that they offer combinations of all these cuisines dishes , you can imagine how just reading the menu whets one's appetite.
We ordered Cauliflower with smoked cheese sauce (RSD 420), Chicken rolls wrapped in bacon (RSD 890) and Beef in gravy (RSD 750). As a side dish, we ordered Mixed salad with fresh cheese (RSD 240). Cauliflower and smoked cheese are a great combination that will make you want the main course even more. Chicken rolls are wrapped in bacon, stuffed with dried apricot and prunes, served with rice and vegetables. For us who enjoy in sweet and savory combinations, this is a great one. The strong flavor of bacon is weakened by the refreshing prune, while the apricot gives an unique taste. Delicious, good ratio of ingredients, big portion. Beef in gravy is served with zucchini stew, which is also an ideal choice. It has to be good if it comes with zucchini, I often joke. The roasted potatoes that are served with this dish only make my impression more positive . Like for the first dish, you won't be hungry after this dish as well.
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Cauliflower with smoked cheese sauce |
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Chicken rolls wrapped in bacon |
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Beef in gravy |
Veliki has justified everything that is written on their website. In addition to the excellent cuisine, the atmosphere in the restaurant is pleasant, the staff and the guests create a positive atmosphere, which certainly wouldn't be happening if the restaurant didn't have a good offer and quite fair prices. If I wanted to take someone out for a good and delicious meal in Novi Sad, this restaurant would definitely be my choice.
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.