четвртак, 30. август 2018.

Camelot - Novi Sad

Gastro policija je poznata po tome da voli da patrolira po mestima koja pored klope imaju i neku specifičnost. Tako smo se ovaj put odlučile za Camelot u Novom Sadu.


Ako govorimo o ambijentu, Camelot zasigurno drži jedno od prvih mesta po originalnosti. Ako ste ikada zamišljali kako je izgledao dvorac kralja Artura, ovde to može da vam bude dočarano, makar približno. Kad uđete, imaćete osećaj da vam je pripremljen svečani doček, od strane vitezova, koji se nalaze oko vas, a kako koračate ka drvenim stolovima odaje se utisak kao da vas pozdravljaju srednjovekovne trube. Pregršt  motiva i simbola iz tog doba, raspoređenih po celom pabu, samo doprinose kao da će otpočeti viteški turnir. Na trenutak ćete čak pomisliti da se samo čeka kralj Artur i predstava može da počne. 

Camelot - enterijer
Sa tako lepim utiscima o enterijeru, logično da su i očekivanja o hrani velika. Meni je zanimljiv, internacionalnog karaktera i deluje kao da može da zadovolji većinu ukusa, sa skroz korektnim cenama. Ono što je još karakteristično za njih je da imaju u ponudi svoja piva, svetlo, crveno i tamno. Mi smo se odlučile za Camelot burger (RSD 480) i Svinjske medaljone u sosu od pečuraka (RSD 680 - mala porcija 150gr). Vrlo primamljivo zvuči kada vidite da se burger sastoji od lepinje, začinjenog mlevenog mesa, dimljenog sira, zelene salate, crvenog luka, paradajza, kiselih krastavčića i pomfrita. Tako i drugo jelo čini svinjski file sa dimljenim sirom, sos od pečuraka, ćušpajz od šargarepe, pomfrit i lepinja. Kad ovo pročitate, pomislite da bi i sam kralj Artur uživao u ovim jelima. Međutim, realnost je malo drugačija. Ono što je sigurno je to da u Camelot-u imaju mikrotalasnu. Lepinja koja je bila tvrda, sa poluhladnim mesom i ne preterano svežim povrćem, svakako nisu mogli da ostave dobar utisak. Isti slučaj je bio i sa svinjskim medaljonima. Pecivo posluženo uz medaljone se isto nije odlikovalo svežinom. Jedino ako ideja nije bila da imamo osećaj da je spremljeno još u doba kralja Artura, onda bar da kažemo da imaju ne baš tako dobar smisao za humor.

Camelot burger
Svinjski medaljoni u sosu od pečuraka


Ekipa je pretežno mlađa i ovo mesto zaista jeste na glasu u Novom Sadu, mada verujem da je to primarno zbog ambijenta. Verovatno da je i njihovo pivo ono što mami goste, jer po onome što smo mi jele, teško da je primarna posećenost zbog hrane.

Ako tražite zanimljiv eneterijer, Camelot je mesto koje vredi posetiti. Mi ćemo možda opet nekad svratiti, ali samo na piće.

Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!

NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.


Gastro police is known for loving to patrol the places that have something unique, besides food. So, this time, we chose The Camelot in Novi Sad.

The Camelot
If we talk about the ambience, The Camelot surely holds one of the first places in originality. If you have ever imagined what King Arthur's castle looked like, this place can roughly show you. Upon entering, you’ll have the feeling that the knights surrounding you organized a welcome ceremony just for you, and as you walk to the wooden tables, you can almost hear the medieval trumpets greeting you. A lot of motifs and symbols from that time period, throughout the pub, it only makes you think that a knights’ tournament is about to start. For a moment, you’ll even think that everyone’s waiting for King Arthur to come and the show can begin.

The Camelot - interior
Logically, with such nice impressions of the interior, our food expectations were high. The menu is interesting, international, and it seems that it can satisfy almost everyone, and the prices are quite okay. What is even more interesting is that they offer their own beer, light, red and dark. We ordered The Camelot burger (RSD 480) and Pork medallions in mushroom sauce (RSD 680 - small portion 150g). It sounds very tempting and delicious when you see a burger consisting of a bun, spicy minced meat, smoked cheese, lettuce, red onion, tomato, pickles and fries. And the other dish consists of a pork tenderloin with smoked cheese, mushroom sauce, carrot stew, fries and a bun. When you read all this, you get the impression that King Arthur himself would enjoy these meals. However, the reality is a little different. What is certain is that in The Camelot, they have a microwave. The bun that was hard, and semi-cold patty with not so fresh vegetables, certainly couldn’t leave a good impression. The same case was with pork medallions. The bun served with medallions also wasn’t fresh enough. Maybe their idea was that we think that the dishes were made in the time of King Arthur, but even then, we can only say that they don’t have a good sense of humor.

The Camelot burger

Pork medallions in mushroom sauce

The guests are mainly younger, and this place really is popular in Novi Sad, although I believe that this is primarily due to the ambience. It is likely that their beer is also the thing that lures the guests in, because according to what we tried, I don’think the food is the main reason of their popularity.

If you’re looking for a restaurant with an interesting interior, The Camelot is a place worth visiting. One day, we may visit again, but only for a drink.

Love,  Angie Gastro police!!


NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.

понедељак, 20. август 2018.


Iako nisam ljubitetlj obilazaka fensi beogradskih lokala, ovo vrelo popodne me je toliko umorilo da nisam imala snage da se dam u potragu za nekim skrivenim mestom za ručak sa drugaricom, već sam se odlučila da ručam u jednom od najpoznatijih barova u centru grada. Kasina!

Kasina je preko dana bar restoran, a uveče se pretvara u jedan od najposećenijih beogradskih klubova. Ima i svoju letnju verziju Port, ali o tome možda nekom drugom prilikom. Bašta Kasine je poveća, lepo uređena, međutim ono što mi se ne sviđa je lokacija, tako da dok ručate u bašti, imaćete pogled na autobuska stajališta i gomilu ljudi koji šetaju Terazijama. Verujem da je strancima i ljudima iz unutrašnjosti to doživljaj, ali ja sam ipak za neka mesta sa izolovanijom baštom.

Meni je internacionalnog karaktera, sa par srpskih jela. Cene su zaista pristupačne što se ne bi reklo u prvi mah za ovakav restoran. Mogu slobodno da kažem i da su niže u odnosu na većinu restorana u centru grada. 

Mi smo se odlučile za četiri jela ovoga puta, a sve to zasladile smo koktelima. Nečim čovek mora da se ohladi po ovoj vrućini, zar ne? Prvo jelo na listi bila je Baby caprese & pršuta salata (RSD 545). Sastojci su bili sveži, i jedna je od boljih koje sam jela. Nije se štedelo na pršuti i siru na moje ogromno zadovoljstvo, tako da sam već posle salate bila polusita.

Baby caprese & pršuta
Drugo jelo koje nam je zapalo za oko prvenstveno zbog svog naziva bilo je Rižoto carbonara (RSD 795). Bile smo vrlo znatiželjne da probamo već svima poznati ukus carbonara u kombinaciji sa rižotom. Međutim nije ostavio neki jak utisak na nas. Po ukusu podsetio me je na neku fensi verziju pilava. U svakom slučaju simpatično jelo i originalna ideja, i kao i salata i ovo jelo je po svom kvantitetu takvo da može da zadovolji apetit gladnog gosta.

Rižoto carbonara
Nakon hladnog i toplog predjela red je došao i na glavna jela. U tu čast naručile smo dve različite varijante tortilja. Meksička tortilja (RSD 475) osim što je bila ogromna, bila je i preukusna i sočna i savršeno začinjena. Bila je servirana sa domaćim začinjenim krompirom, nadevena ljutim meksičkim pasuljem, lukom i tabasko sosom, a sve to posebno je osvežila salata od cvekle i šargarepe. Odličan spoj ukusa. Tortilja sa biftekom (RSD 505) bila je nadevena BBQ sosom i svežom salatom, i servirana sa francuskim krompirićima i domaćim umakom. Tortilje su domaće, što bih posebno naglasila. A da li ćete ostati gladni nakon ovog obroka, definitivno ne treba da vas brine, jer su preobilne!

Meksička tortilja

Tortilja sa biftekom
Uz sve ovo bila je servirana korpica peciva koja nikako nije za podcenjivanje. Preukusni hlepčići više vrsta neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnim. Meni su se posebno svideli sa maslinama i crvenim paprikama. I što me je posebno začudilo korpica se ne naplaćuje!

Korpa sa pecivom
Cene koktela koje sam na početku pomenula su standardne, primera radi Margarita će vas ovde koštati RSD 385, dok ćete za koktel Mai Tai da izdvojite RSD 460. Profi su spremljeni i servirani, bez ikakvih zamerki, što se i očekivalo od jednog poznatog bara.

Što se osoblja tiče, vrlo srdačni i nasmejani mladi ljudi će vas ovde dočekati, što je takođe bilo mini prijatno iznenađenje za mene, jer sam navikla da čim sednem u neki izvikani restoran, prvo što me dočeka je nadrndani konobar koji trči od stola do stola. E pa ovde to nije slučaj!

Pa da zaključimo - ukoliko ste se našli u centru grada i želite da osetite gradsku vrevu, a da pritom dobro ručate ili večerate, na pravom ste mestu. Jer ručak vrlo lako može da pređe u večeru, a večera u provod do zore. Baš za to idealno mesto je Kasina.

Voli vas vaša Nada by Gastro policija!!


NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.

Although I don’t really like visiting Belgrade's fancy restaurants, this hot afternoon wore me out, so I didn’t have the strength to search for some hidden place for lunch with my friend, hence I decided to have a meal in one of the most famous bars in the city center. Kasina!

Kasina is a bar restaurant over the day, and in the evening it turns into one of the most visited Belgrade clubs. It also has its summer version -Port, but about it some other time. The garden of Kasina is big, nicely decorated, but what I don’t like about it is the location, so while you have lunch in the garden, you will have to look at the bus stop and the crowd of people strolling around Terazije. I believe that this is an enjoyable experience for tourists, but I prefer some other places with a more private garden.

The menu is international, with a few Serbian dishes. The prices are really affordable, which is surprising for such a restaurant. I can freely say that they are lower than the ones in most of the restaurants in the city center.

This time, we tried four dishes, and we sipped cocktails. You need something like that to cool down on a hot day, right? The first dish on the list was a Baby Caprese & Prosciutto salad (RSD 545). The ingredients were fresh, and it is one of the better ones I tried. To my great satisfaction there was lots of prosciutto and cheese, so I was halfway full after the salad.

Baby Caprese & Prosciutto salad
The second dish that caught our eye, primarily because of its name, was Risotto Carbonara (RSD 795). We were very curious to try out that famous taste of carbonara in combination with rice. However, it didn’t leave a deep impression on us. By taste, it reminded me of some fancy version of Rice pilaf. Anyhow, a nice dish and original idea, and like the previous salad, this dish can satisfy the appetite of the hungry guest.

Risotto Carbonara 
The main dishes came after those cold and hot appetizers. We ordered two different versions of tortillas. Mexican tortilla (RSD 475), except being huge, it was delicious, juicy and perfectly seasoned. It was served with homemade seasoned potatoes, stuffed with hot Mexican beans, onion and tabasco sauce, along with refreshing beetroot and carrot salad. Great combination of flavors. Steak tortilla (RSD 505) was stuffed with BBQ sauce and fresh salad, served with French potatoes and homemade dip. I would like to emphasize that tortillas(dough) were homemade, too. You don’t have to worry about being hungry after this dish because the tortillas are really big!

Mexican tortilla

Steak tortilla 
In addition to all this, a bread basket was served, which is as good as the other stuff. Several types of delicious bread won’t make you indifferent. I especially liked the one with olives and red bell peppers. And I was really surprised with the fact that they serve it for free !

Bread basket
The prices of cocktails that I mentioned at the beginning are average, for example Margarita will cost you RSD 385, while for Mai Tai cocktail you will spend RSD 460. I have no complaints, they are professionally prepared and served, which is expected from a well-known bar.

As for the staff, you’ll be welcomed by very kind young people, which was also a small and pleasant surprise for me, because the first thing I usually encounter in some hyped restaurant is a grumpy waiter running from table to table . Well, that is not the case here!

So - if you found yourself in the city center and want to feel the city rush, along with having lunch or dinner, you are in the right place. Because lunch can very easily prolong to dinner, and after dinner real fun begins. Kasina is the perfect place for that.

Love,  Nada Gastro police!!

NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.

петак, 10. август 2018.


Postoje ta neka mesta koja nas uvek mame da ih ponovo posetimo, kao i jela koja se većini ljudi sviđa. Italijanska kuhinja verovatno tu drži primat, jer ćete retko naići na nekoga ko ne voli pizzu ili pastu. Kad je reč o odličnim ukusima Italije u centru Beograda, Botako je neizostavna destinacija.

Ovaj restoran se nalazi na dve lokacije, na Vračaru i na Gundulićevom vencu. Mi smo posetile ovaj drugi i odmah nas je osvojio svojim ambijentom. Sav u drvetu, uz toplu i domaćinsku atmosferu, imaćete utisak kao da ste u Italiji u poseti prijateljima. Atmosfera ne bi bila takva da ljubazno osoblje nije u svakom trenutku na raspolaganju za sva vaša pitanja.

Botako je poznat po svojim čuvenim pizzama, po odličnom testu, kao i po testeninama pripremljenim sa posebnom pažnjom. Ono što ih takođe izdvaja je način služenja pizze, izdignuta drvena osnova sa metalnim nosačem.

Kako nismo mogle da se odlučimo za jednu pizzu (sve postoje u dve veličine), odlučile smo se za jednu veliku koja će biti kombinacija dve manje. Tako je našu pizzu činila Losos (RSD 645) i Light pizza (RSD 495). Deo sa lososom, pored dimljenog lososa čine i maslinovo ulje, sir, rukola, ruzmarin, paradajz i crveni luk. Drugi deo pizze, Light, logično je išao uz lososa, pa tako u njegov sastav ulaze maslinovo ulje, sir, paradajz, bosiljak, rukola. Ova naša pizza, koju su činile pomenute dve, bile su u potpunoj simbiozi i dopunjavale su se u ukusima. Savršeno mekano testo, sa idealnom kombinacijom ovih mediteranskih ukusa, navešće vas da se zapitate da li se nalazite u Beogradu, ili negde na Sredozemlju. 

Losos i Light pizza

Kad smo ih posetile drugi put, osvojene neodoljivim ukusom lososa, nismo mogle da opet ne napravimo neku kombinaciju. Tako se ovaj put naša pizza sastojala od Bianco pizze (RSD 360) i Losos dela. Bianco pizza je veoma slična kao i Light, s tim što njoj, pored maslinovog ulja, maslina, rukole i parmezana poseban šmek daje i beli luk.

Bianco i Losos pizza
Obradovalo nas je i to što smo ovde mogle da popijemo odlično pšenično Primator pivo (RSD 0.5l 310), tako da je naše uživanje u čulu ukusa bilo potpuno.

Goste restorana čini pretežno mlađa ekipa, ali ne sumnjam da je ovo drago mesto i starijima. Usluga je odlična, što sam već napomenula i osoblje će doprineti vašim odličnim utiscima. 

Doza Italije, uz toplotu i srdačnost? Itekako moguće, samo posetite Botako!

Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!


NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.

There are some places we want to visit again and again and some dishes that most people like to eat. Primarily the Italian cuisine, because you will rarely come across someone who doesn’t like pizza or pasta. When it comes to the excellent tastes of Italy, in Belgrade downtown, Botako is an inevitable destination.

This restaurant is located in two locations, at Vracar and at Gundulicev Venac. We visited the second one and we were immediately won over by its ambience. All in wood, with a warm and homey atmosphere, you’ll get the impression that you’re in Italy visiting some friends. The atmosphere wouldn’t be such without friendly staff that is all the time at your disposal for all your questions.

Botako is famous for its pizzas, excellent dough, as well as pastas prepared with special care. What distinguishes them from the others is the way of serving pizzas, on a wooden board with a metal pizza peel.

Since we couldn’t decide which pizza we want (they all come in two sizes), we decided for a big one that would be a combination of two smaller ones. So our choice was a combination of Salmon (RSD 645) and Light Pizza (RSD 495). The salmon part, besides smoked salmon, consists of olive oil, cheese, rocket salad, rosemary, tomato and red onions. The second part, Light one, went great with salmon, it included olive oil, cheese, tomato, basil and rocket salad. The combination of these two pizzas were in complete symbiosis and their flavors went really well together. Perfect soft dough, with an ideal combination of these Mediterranean flavors, will make you question yourself whether you are in Belgrade, or somewhere in the Mediterranean.

Salmon and Light pizza
When we visited them the second time, amazed with the irresistible taste of salmon, we just had to make another combination again. This time, our pizza consisted of Bianco pizza (RSD 360) and Salmon pizza. Bianco pizza is very similar to Light one, except that, in addition to olive oil, olives, rocket salad and Parmesan cheese, it comes with garlic.

Bianco and Salmon pizza
Another thing that made us happy is the fact that here we could drink excellent wheat Primator beer (RSD 0.5l 310), so our enjoyment was full.

Guests of the restaurant are mostly younger, but I have no doubt that this is a nice place for the elderly, too. The service is excellent, as I said before, the staff contributes to the excellent impressions.

Dose of Italy, with warmth and kindness? Totally possible, just visit Botako!

Love, Angie Gastro police!!


NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.