Leto je za mnoge ljude najlepše godišnje doba, ali kad znate da godišnji odmor ne možete da dobijete pre septembra, zna da bude malo frustrirajuće. Pomisao da ćete ceo jul i avgust gaziti po vrelom beogradskom asfaltu baš i nije ono što priželjkujete tokom cele godine. Srećom, postoje mesta koja su nam spas od vreline. Jedno od njih je nautički klub Radecki.
Klub Radecki nalazi se na kraju Zemunskog keja i dok ste tamo, imaćete osećaj kao da ste u nekom malom, ribarskom mestu.. Sa jedne strane šuma, sa druge pogled na Dunav, doprineće osećaju da ste pobegli u prirodu.
Radecki |
Ovo je mesto gde dolazite isključivo zbog uživanja, opuštanja i dobre riblje čorbe. Restoranski deo nalazi se u ograđenom delu koji gleda na Dunav, a kockasti stolnjaci i drvene klupe naglašavaju domaćinsku atmosferu.
Kako smo već pomenule njihovu čuvenu riblju čorbu, logično da smo je naručile. Pored toga što je preukusna, bogata, ljutkasta, porcija je količinski ne za dve, nego četiri osobe. Naći ćete se u onoj situaciji da nastavite da jedete i kada se zasitite, zbog zadovoljstva. Cena od RSD 200 je i više nego korektna.
Riblja čorba |
Kako bismo imale potpun riblji ugođaj, uzele smo i dve porcije girica (porcija RSD 200 - 250 gr). One su, takođe, bile lepo spremljene i ukusne, mada posle čorbe koja nas je baš zasitila, nisu nam bile potrebne, ali neumerenost u dobroj hrani nekad presudi.
Girice |
Kada žeite da uživate u miru i ribljim specijalitetima poput čorbe, girica i pastrmke, Radecki je vaš izbor. Odmorite dušu pogledom na Dunav i vesele ribolovce oko vas dok se ovde opuštate. Da je tako, potvrdiće vam i mnogobrojni gosti ovog ribolovačkog kluba, koji su svih generacija. Lepo je znati da još postoje mesta koja nisu podlegla modernizaciji, a koja su popularna, što nam daje nadu da ljudi i dalje prepoznaju kvalitet.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
NAPOMENA: Postoji mogućnost da je restoran uneo neke izmene u jelovnik do objavljivanja posta na blog.
Summer is the most beautiful season to many people, but when you know that you can’t go on a vacation before September, it can be a bit frustrating. The thought of spending the whole of July and August in hot Belgrade isn’t exactly what you want throughout the year. Fortunately, there are places we can go to to escape the heat. One of them is the Nautical Club Radecki.
Club Radecki is located at the end of Zemun Quay and while you are there, you’ll feel like you’re in a small, fishing village... The forest on one side, the Danube on the other, the perfect nature escape.
Radecki |
This is the place you visit only for enjoyment, relaxation and some good fish soup. The restaurant part is located in a fenced in area that overlooks the Danube, and checkered tablecloths and wooden benches emphasize the feeling of traditional atmosphere.
Logically, we ordered their famous fish soup, which we already mentioned. Besides being delicious, rich in flavor and spicy, this portion is more than enough for two, maybe even for four people. You will find yourself in that situation when you know your stomach is already full, but you still keep eating, for the sake of pleasure. The price is RSD 200, which is more than fair.
Fish soup |
In order to have a real ˝fishy˝ lunch, we also ordered two portions of whitebait (one portion is RSD 200 - 250 g). They were also nicely cooked and delicious, although after that soup, we didn’t need them, but gluttony sometimes wins.
Whitebait |
When you want to enjoy peace and fish specialties such as soup, whitebait and trout, you should pick Radecki. While relaxing here, enjoy overlooking the Danube and cheerful fishermen around you. The numerous guests of this fishing club, of all generations, can confirm all of this. It is nice to know that there are still places that didn’t succumb to modernization, and which are equally popular, which gives us hope that people still recognize quality.
Love, Angie Gastro police!!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.