Sarajevo! Divan grad, pun istorijskih znamenistosti, balkanski Jerusalim! Kada obilazite jedan takav grad logično je da na kraju, dok sumirate utiske, želite to da uradite uz dobar obrok, da glava bude puna utisaka, a stomak ukusne hrane. Šta bi nam drugo palo na pamet da pojedemo, nego čuvene sarajevske ćevape!
Logično, mesto gde smo odlučile da probamo ovaj specijalitet, bila je Baščaršija. Pre toga smo se raspitale kod nekoliko prijatelja koji su već bili ovde, gde su najbolji ćevapi u Sarajevu. Svi su odgovorili isto - da posetimo ćevabdžinicu ''Željo'', što smo i uradile.
''Željo'' definitivno ima dobru reputaciju, s obzirom da se na Baščaršiji nalaze ove dve
ćevabdžinice. Kako je bio topao dan, a Baščaršija prepuna ljudi, sele smo u
''Željo 2''.
ćevabdžinice. Kako je bio topao dan, a Baščaršija prepuna ljudi, sele smo u
''Željo 2''.
Željo 2 |
S obzirom na vrelinu, svi gosti su sedeli napolju i gužva je bila zaista velika. Ovde se jede po principu fast food-a, jedeš, ideš, jer dok jedete, gomila ljudi sa nestrpljenjem stoji i gleda kad ćete ustati, kako bi oni došli na red za obrok. Naravno, ne sedite sami za stolom, već koliko ima mesta, toliko će ljudi sesti, jer su u pitanju drveni stolovi sa drvenim klupama. Mi smo nekako uspele da ugrabimo mesto, ali smo konobara teško dozvale, jer je bio prezauzet, osećale smo se bukvalno kao da smo na pokretnoj traci. Kad je konobar konačno prišao, naručile smo po pet ćevapa (2.5 km - 150 rsd) sa kajmakom (1.5 km - 90 rsd). Bez obzira što je ovo bio obrok na brzaka, i moja drugarica i ja smo uživale u njemu, u lepom, ukusnom i svežem mesu, ali moram priznati, da iste takve ćevape možete naći i u Beogradu, na retkim mestima, ali je moguće. Tako da mi je drago da i Beograd i dalje može da se ponosi originalnim ukusima, da nije sve izveštačeno, kako većina ljudi priča.
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Porcija pet ćevapa sa kajmakom |
Što se jelovnika tiče, ovde možete da poručite ćevape, pljeskavicu i sudžuk i to je ceo jelovnik, strogo se drže specijaliteta po kojima su poznati. Cene su i više nego pristojne, čak i za nijansu niže u odnosu na Beograd.
Sarajevo svakako treba da posetite, a nećete pogrešiti ni ako posetite ovu čuvenu ćevabdžinicu.
Voli vas vaša Angie by Gastro policija!!
Sarajevo! A beautiful city, full of historical landmarks, like Balkan Jerusalem! While visiting such city, it is logical that in the end of the visit, while summarizing the impressions, you do it while enjoying a good meal, with your mind full of impressions, and your stomach full of delicious food. What else should we eat than the famous Sarajevo kebabs!
Of course, the area where we decided to try this specialty was Baščaršija. Before that, we spoke to several friends who were already here, about where to find the best kebabs in Sarajevo. Everyone answered the same - to visit the "Željo" kebab restaurant, which we did.
"Željo" definitely has a good reputation, given that they have two restaurants in Baščaršija. Since it was warm outside, and Baščaršija was crowded, we found a table in "Željo 2".
Željo 2 |
Given that it was a hot day, all the guests were sitting outside and it was really crowded. This resembles a fast food restaurant, when you finish your meal, you leave, because while you eat, a bunch of people eagerly awaits and looks when will you leave the table, so that they can take a seat. Since the tables are with benches, you’re not sitting alone, you share the table if there’s room for more people. We somehow managed to find a seat, but we had trouble with calling the waiter, because he was too busy, we literally felt like we were on an assembly line. When the waiter finally approached us, we ordered five kebabs (2.5 km - 150 rsd) with kajmak (1.5 km - 90 rsd). Regardless the fact that this was a fast meal, my friend and I enjoyed this beautiful, delicious and fresh meat, but I must admit that you can find the same kind of kebabs in Belgrade, too, not in every restaurant, but it’s possible in some. So I’m glad that Belgrade can still be proud of the original tastes of certain food, it’s not that bad like some people are claiming.
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5 kebabs with kaymak |
You should definitely visit Sarajevo, and you won’t regret if you visit this famous kebab restaurant, too.
Love, Angie Gastro police !!
NOTE: There is a possibility that the restaurant has made some changes to the menu prior to this post.