Maj mesec. Mesec koji je sinonim za venčanja. Nije ni previše toplo, ni previše hladno. Idealan period za nezaboravne, romantične trenutke. A kada jedan član Gastro policije staje na ludi kamen, to mora da bude nešto posebno. Nakon više od mesec dana potrage i obilazaka restorana i splavova pala je odluka. Ceremonija venčanja i opšte narodno veselje biće organizovano na splavu Akapulko!
Splav Akapulko |
Splav Akapulko smešten je na Dunavskom keju u blizini hotela Jugoslavija. Ovaj splav se striktno bavi organizacijama svih vrsta proslava, tako da je odmah sve mirisalo na čist profesionalizam (za razliku od mnogih restorana koje smo posetili u ovu svrhu). A ja u ulozi kume bila sam i više nego uzbuđena što zbog svadbe što zbog hrane i iskustva koja treba da podelim sa vama. Pa da krenemo redom!
Splav Akapulko - dekoracija |
Prostor je jednom rečju - ROMANTIČAN! Beli stolnjaci, ljubičaste mašne (koje možete sami da birate), cveće, detalji poput belih kaveza i svećnjaka učinili su svaki sto posebnim. Osim unutrašnjeg dela, tu je i terasa koja je idealna za fotografisanje. Meni se posebno svidelo što stolovi nisu mnogo udaljeni jedan od drugog, pa se dobija nekako intimnija atmosfera puna topline i ljubavi, a to i jeste cilj venčanja (šta ću, ja sam romantik). Pored savršenog prostora, mladencima se nudi i dolazak na splav gliserom (još jedna romantična stvar koja me je oduševila). Ali da vam sad ne bih prepričavala ceo dan, usredsrediću se na ono najvažije za Gastro policiju - HRANU!
Splav Akapulko - enterijer |
Ovo je prvo venčanje na kojem sam se najela! Hrana je bila fantastična, preukusna, sastojci sveži, a konobari u skladu sa atmosferom - ljubazni, veseli i raspoloženi! Po ceni od 29e po osobi dobijate komletan meni koji se sastoji od hladnog predjela, čorbe, toplog predjela, salate, glavnog jela i naravno neograničene konzumacije alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića. Pa da krenem redom! Hladno predjelo je obuhvatalo zaista sve što ja volim - pršut, kulen, kuglice od urnebes salate i kajmaka, razne vrste sireva, masline i čeri paradajz. I sve na tanjiru je bilo prvoklasno. Pravi mali raj za nepce. Naravno osim što je bilo ukusno, sve je bilo i sjajno aranžirano. Nakon predjela na red je došla Teleća ragu čorba i jedna je od boljih koje sam jela po beogradskim restoranima. Pravi domaćinski ukus, što bih ja rekla! Čista desetka! Nakon čorbe red je bio na toplo predjelo - Lazanje. I opet, sjajno! Toplo, sočno i ukusno, zaista bez ijedne zamerke. I ne, nisam subjektivna, zaista je tako! Nakon tri jela, red je došao na glavno jelo koje je obuhvatalo roštilj i pečenje kao i svežu salatu od paradajza i krastavca. Uz praseće i jagnjeće pečenje bio je serviran pekarski krompir, a ukoliko neko nije bio ljubitelj pečenja tu je bilo i mešano meso koje je obuhvatalo ćevapčiće, kobasice i ražnjiće. Moram da priznam da sam se uz prva tri jela već bila valjano najela, tako da sam glavno jelo samo probala, ali svakako utisci su isti kao i za prethodno sa menija.
Hladno predjelo |
Teleća ragu čorba |
Lazanje |
Praseće i jagnjeće pečenje sa pekarskim krompirom |
Mešano meso |
Mislim da u ovom slučaju nije potrebno da vam naglašavam kakva je bila atmosfera. Mogu vam samo reći da ako ikada budem stala na ludi kamen (a s obzirom da sam uhvatila bidermajer, možda se i to desi uskoro) odlučiću se za splav Akapulko. Jedna zaista uigrana ekipa i profesionalni pristup celoj organizaciji. Mene kao romantika bilo je lako zavesti ovakvim prostorom i pogledom na Dunav, a verujem da nema osobe u kojoj splav Akapulko ne bi probudio one najiskrenije emocije!
Voli vas vaša Gastro policija!!
Month of May. Month of weddings. Neither too hot nor too cold. The ideal time for the unforgettable, romantic moments. And when one member of the Gastro police decides to tie the knot, it has to be something special. After more than a month of seeking and visiting a lot of restaurants and raft clubs, the decision was made. The wedding ceremony and reception will be organized on the raft club Acapulco!
Raft club Acapulco |
Raft club Acapulco is located on the Danube quay near the hotel Yugoslavia. This raft club strictly deals with organizing all kinds of celebrations, so from the beginning, everything seemed professional (unlike in many restaurants we visited for this purpose). And, in the role of the maid of honour, I was more than excited both for the wedding and the food and, also, the experience that needs to be shared with you. So let's begin!
Raft club Acapulco - decoration |
One word that describes this place is - romantic! White tablecloths, purple chair bows (you can choose the color of those), flowers, details such as the white bird cages and candlesticks, made every table unique. In addition to the inner area, there is also a terrace that is ideal for taking photos. I especially liked that the tables are not very far apart, so you get a feeling of an intimate atmosphere, full of warmth and love, and in my opinion, that is the purpose of weddings (what can I do, I’m a hopeless romantic). Besides the perfect ambiance, this restaurant offers the newlyweds a speed boat for their arrival to the raft (one more romantic thing that impressed me). But, I won’t narrate the whole day to you, instead, I will focus on what's most important for Gastro police – THE FOOD!
Raft club Acapulco - interior |
This is the first wedding that I left without feeling hungry! The food was fantastic, delicious, ingredients were fresh, and the waiters in line with the atmosphere - polite and cheerful! At a cost of 29€ per person you get a complete menu consisting of cold appetizer, soup, hot appetizer, salads, main dish and, of course, unlimited consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. So let's start from the beginning! Cold appetizer included everything I love - prosciutto, kulen(flavoured sausage), Urnebes salad and kaymak scoops, a variety of cheeses, olives and cherry tomatoes. And everything on the plate was first class. A small paradise for the palate. Of course, except of being delicious, everything was nicely arranged. After the appetizer, it was the time for Veal ragout soup and this one was among the better ones I ate in Belgrade restaurants. Like grandma used to make! Top-notch! After the soup came the hot appetizer - lasagna. And again, great! Warm, juicy and tasty, really impeccable. And no, it’s not subjective thinking, it really was like that! After these three dishes came the main dish, which included BBQ and roast, as well as fresh tomato and cucumber salad. Baked potatoes were served with pork and lamb roast , and if someone isn’t a fan of roast, there was a platter of mixed grill which included kebabs, sausages and bbq skewers. Since I was already full after the first three dishes, I must admit that I only took a bite of the main dish, but certainly, the impressions were the same as for the previous dishes from the menu.
Cold appetizer |
Veal ragout soup |
Lasagna |
Pork and lamb roast with baked potatoes |
Mixed grill |
I think that in this case there’s no need to emphasize what the atmosphere was like. I can only say that if I ever decide to tie the knot (and since I caught the bouquet, maybe it’ll happen soon) I will choose the raft club Acapulco. A really well-coordinated team and professional approach throughout the organization. And being a hopeless romantic, I was easaly seduced by the ambiance and the Danube view, but I believe that Acapulco would evoke the deepest emotions in every person!
Love, Gastro police !!